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Polis, Quigley Welcome New DHS Detention Guidelines to Prevent Abuse

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GAO Detention Letter

Congressman Jared Polis (D-CO) and Congressman Mike Quigley (D-IL) released the following statements in reaction to the release of new regulations by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) intended to prevent sexual abuse in detention facilities. In January 2012, Polis and Quigley were joined by 28 other Members of Congress in urging the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to investigate facilities run and utilized by DHS’ Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE). That request was granted and the investigation is ongoing.

“I thank President Obama and Secretary Napolitano for this step towards addressing the sexual assault crisis in our detention facilities, particularly the inclusion of an external audit requirement in the draft rule,” said Polis. “I look forward to closely reviewing the new rule and will closely monitor its implementation and enforcement so that people in U.S. custody are protected against such heinous acts.”

“I commend President Obama and Secretary Napolitano for taking action to address sexual abuse in our immigration detention facilities and reaffirming the government’s moral responsibility to ensure the safety of any person under its charge,” Quigley stated. “The pervasive and systematic abuse of detainees, especially gay and transgender individuals, is unconscionable, and I look forward to monitoring the implementation of these new standards moving forward.”

According to government documents, nearly 200 allegations of abuse from detainees in detention facilities across the nation have been reported to DHS since 2007. Many of these incidents have involved LGBT immigrants.

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