Ways and Means Committee

From supporting the agricultural backbone of Louisiana farmland to promoting trade in South Louisiana ports like the Port of Lake Charles and the Port of Morgan City, the distinguished House Ways and Means Committee tackles many issues that are important to Louisiana and all Americans. The committee’s jurisdiction includes tax, trade, healthcare, social security, income and family support and other revenue measures.

Since its inception on July 24, 1789, many famous Americans have served on the Committee.  The long and distinguished list includes 8 Presidents of the United States from James Madison to George H.W. Bush, 8 Vice Presidents, 4 Supreme Court Justices, 34 Cabinet members, and quite notably, 21 Speakers of the House of Representatives.  The last figure represents nearly one-half of the 52 Speakers who have served since 1789 through the end of the 110th Congress.

The committee decides how best to raise the revenue required to finance the Federal Government through income, excise and other taxes and oversees the debt of the United States, which totals more than $10 trillion.

In addition, the committee handles commercial matters that include trade agreements, customs and ports of entry, revenue measures and the transportation of dutiable goods.  The committee is responsible for all tariffs, import trade and trade negotiations.

The committee also oversees many social security programs including Supplemental Security Income, Medicare, Medicaid, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, welfare and a variety of other social services.

Through its jurisdiction, the committee plays a significant role in drafting and passing bills like highway reauthorizations, farm bills and other important legislation.

Charles Boustany is chair of the Oversight Subcommittee which serves as a check and balance on certain actions of the Executive Branch of the government, including the functions of the IRS.  He also serves on the subcommittees for Human Resources and Select Revenue Measures.

Visit the Ways and Means Committee's website here.