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Rep. Ellmers Votes to Cut Spending


I voted to cut $6.2 trillion in government spending and reduce deficits by $4.2 trillion over the next decade compared to the President's budget, repeal the government takeover of health care, save Medicare and Social Security for future generations while protecting those at or near retirement, and spur economic growth while creating jobs in the Republican FY2012 Budget Resolution. (H.Con.Res.34)


I voted to fund our troops and cut nearly $45 billion in non-defense spending from last year's levels in the Department of Defense and other departments and agencies for the FY2011 appropriations bill. (H.R. 1473)


I voted to prevent $29.9 billion of TARP funding from being spent on a program that has been singled out by the Special Inspector General for TARP for low uptake and the Treasury Department's failure to monitor the program's success. (H.R. 839)


I voted to save $180 million over the next five years by reducing the amounts authorized to be appropriated to the Department of Defense in 2012 for printing by 10 percent. (H.R. 910)


I voted to reduce the regulatory burden on our nation's job providers and prevent a national energy tax in the name of climate change by voting to prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from regulating greenhouse without Congressional action. (H.R. 910)


I voted to reduce spending by $16 billion by repealing the Prevention and Public Health slush fund created by the government takeover of health care. (H.R. 1217)


I voted to cut $4.01 billion in the first two-week long continuing resolution. (H.J.Res.44)


I cosponsored and voted for a law that repeals the job-destroying 1099 provision in the government takeover of health care, saves taxpayers $24.7 billion in tax receipts, and stops $24.8 billion in wasteful government spending. (H.R.4)


I voted to end the failed mortgage refinancing program and save $175 million of direct spending and cancel $8 billion of TARP funding. (H.R.830)


I voted to end the failed Dodd-Frank program and save $840 million, as allocated. (H.R.836)


I voted to cut $6 billion in the second three-week long continuing resolution. (H.J.Res.48)


I voted to cancel unobligated balances from the Neighborhood Stabilization Program, a wasteful government program, potentially saving $1 billion if enacted today. (H.R.861)


I voted to cut Congressional budgets by five percent, saving $35 million each year. (H.Res.22)


House Republicans have banned all earmarks. (House Republican Conference Rules for the 112th Congress).


I cosponsored and voted for a bill that would cut new spending by $2.6 trillion over ten years and reduce the deficit by $700 billion when we repealed the government takeover of health care. (H.R. 2)


I voted to cut government spending back to FY2008 levels or less, which will reduce nonsecurity discretionary spending to pre-stimulus, pre-bailout levels. (H.Res.38)


I cosponsored and voted for a bill that would end the taxpayer funding of presidential election campaigns and party conventions, saving $617 million. (H.R. 359)


I voted to end the wasteful mandatory printing of bills introduced in Congress, saving the American taxpayers $35 million. (H.R. 292)


I voted to reclaim $180 million in wasted funding for the United Nations Tax Equalization Fund. (H.R. 519- failed to pass the House under special rules requiring a two-third approval to pass)


I voted to cut more than $100 billion of spending in H.R. 1.


I voted to repeal $14.6 billion in Obamacare spending by eliminating a slush fund created for the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award states health care funds without Congressional oversight. (H.R. 1213)


I voted to repeal $100 million in Obamacare spending by eliminating a grant program for Washington to pay for the construction of hospital centers in schools. (H.R. 1214)


I cosponsored and voted for a bill that would cut deficits by $800 million by opening up new domestic oil and gas exploration in our country's most productive locations. This will not only reduce deficits, but lower the cost of gas, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and create American jobs. (H.R. 1231)


I cosponsored and voted for a bill that would reduce government spending by $40 million by auctioning off leases for domestic offshore oil and gas development. (H.R. 1229)


I voted to save $220 million by converting automatic Obamacare funding for graduate medical education into a discretionary program that will be reviewed and funded by Congress each year. (H.R. 1216)


I voted to save $811 million by reducing annual discretionary spending for the Department of Homeland Security. (H.R. 2017)


I voted to save $2.7 billion by reducing annual discretionary spending for the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 2012. (H.R. 2112)


I voted to save $33 million by eliminating the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) and transfer the remaining operations to the Office of Management and Budget. (H.R. 672)


I voted to reduce spending by $725 million by streaming the patent process and making the Patent and Trademark Office subject to the annual appropriations process. (H.R. 1249)


I voted to reduce spending by $227 million by reducing annual discretionary fiscal year 2012 Legislative Branch Appropriations and reducing Congressional office budgets by 6.4 percent. (H.R. 2251)


I voted to reduce spending by $1 billion from last year by reducing annual discretionary spending for the Energy and Water Appropriations Act. (H.R. 2354)


I cosponsored and voted for a bill that would save more than $1 trillion over the next ten years by voting for the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act of 2011. (H.R. 2560)


I voted to cut spending by $917 billion over the next ten years by voting for the cutting and capping discretionary spending through the Budget Control Act of 2011. (Amendment to S.627)