
December 17, 2012 | Blog Post
WASHINGTON, DC – In writing Congressional Government in 1885, Woodrow Wilson (who would go on to become the nation’s 28th president) astutely observed, “It is not far from the truth to say that Congress in session is Congress on public exhibition, whilst Congress in its committee-rooms is Congress at work.”
November 30, 2012 | Blog Post
WASHINGTON, DC – A new study released this week by the National Association of Manufacturers finds major new EPA rules could cost manufacturers hundreds of billions of dollars and eliminate millions o
November 28, 2012 | Blog Post
WASHINGTON, DC – Each click of the mouse Americans make while shopping, booking travel with family, or any of the myriad other activities handled online this holiday season is a reminder of how an Internet free from government regulation has made our lives easier and more productive. American consumers and innovators know the Internet is about more than just funny cat videos and Cyber Monday deals.
November 15, 2012 | Blog Post
WASHINGTON, DC – The Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee yesterday held a hearing to discuss the deadly meningitis outbreak, which has resulted in 32 deaths and sickened hundreds across the country. Three folks from Marion County, Florida have died, and one victim lived right up the street from me. We heard from the wife of one victim killed by the contaminated steroid product, Mrs.
October 26, 2012 | Blog Post
WASHINGTON, DC – Throughout the 112th Congress, House Republicans have fought for pro-growth policies to create jobs emphasizing an “all of the above” energy policy. Sound energy policy is critical to economic growth. In addition to the immense job creation potential directly in the energy sector, the affordable and reliable energy supplies are necessary ingredients for growth across the American economy.
September 25, 2012 | Blog Post
"If we want to compete with China, which is pouring hundreds of billions of dollars into the space, if we want to compete with other countries that are heavily subsidizing the industries of the future, we’ve got to make sure that our guys here in the United States of America at least have a shot.” – President Barack Obama, ABC
