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My office is always accepting applications from college students and young professionals interested in interning in my Washington or district offices.

By assisting my district staff, interns have the opportunity to gain firsthand knowledge about how a Congressional office provides constituent services and interacts with the community.

Interns in my Washington office will have an opportunity to learn about the legislative process and the federal government by working closely with my legislative and communications staff.

All internships are unpaid and candidates who are chosen for an internship are responsible for paying their travel and living expenses. Interns in any office can arrange to receive academic credit for their work, but must provide in writing all requirements set by their educational institution.  While we happily assist all those seeking credit, the burden is on the student to meet any requirements for gaining academic credit.

Download your application today!


What past interns have said about their experience:

"My internship in Congressman Jack Kingston’s office was an awesome experience filled with wonderful memories and opportunities. Working within a congressional office like Mr. Kingston’s alongside such an amazing staff far surpassed any ideas I had about our federal government. I worked on a variety of projects with different staffers, and experience Capitol Hill in a way no professor would have ever prepared me for. My memories and experiences in D.C. will be something I treasure forever." - Kristen Grantham, Intern Summer 2010

"The Internship I completed in Congressman Kingston's office was a tremendous experience. The knowledge I obtained by observing and working alongside his entire staff far exceeded all of my expectations. From that knowledge I have gained a new perspective on the issues facing our country and the legislative process in place to deal with these issues. Between learning so much and experiencing the life and history on and off the Hill, my time in D.C. is something I will always remember." - Will Collins, Intern Summer 2010