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Jack's Blog

Posted by Press Staff on January 02, 2013
In case you missed it, Jack also appeared on MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports to discuss his opposition to the fiscal cliff package and why we need more action on spending reduction.

Posted by Press Staff on January 02, 2013
In case you missed it, Jack appeared today on CNBC's Power Lunch to talk about the fiscal cliff alongside Congresswoman Maxine Waters.  Jack opposed the legislation because it did not address much-needed spending cuts.

Posted by Press Staff on December 31, 2012
In case you missed it, Jack appeared on MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports to talk about the fiscal cliff with guest host Chris Cillizza:

Posted by Press Staff on December 31, 2012
In case you missed it, Jack appeared on CNN Newsroom last night to talk about the fiscal cliff with Ali Velshi:

Posted by Legislative Staff on December 20, 2012

Dec. 17, 2010 – President Obama signs into law two-year extension of current tax rates, setting in place the first part of the “fiscal cliff.”

Aug. 2, 2011 - Budget Control Act of 2011 is signed into law, creating the Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction, also known as the "Super Committee"

Nov. 21, 2011 – The so-called “Super Committee” fails to reach agreement on sufficient spending cuts to prevent sequestration setting in place the second part of the “fiscal cliff.” 

May 10 – House votes to prevent defense sequester by replacing it with common-sense spending reductions and reforms.

Aug. 1 – House votes to prevent tax increase on all Americans. 

Nov. 7 – The day after the election, Speaker Boehner put tax revenues on the table if they came in the form of pro-growth tax reform and were accompanied by significant spending reductions.

Nov. 29It took three weeks for the President to respond and that was with an unserious offer that doubled the level of tax revenues on which he campaigned, called for new stimulus spending, and offered phony cuts.

Dec. 3 – House Republicans quickly countered with an offer that was balanced only to hear silence from the White House.

Dec. 11 – When it did respond, it was another unserious offer calling for $1.4 trillion in revenue with no real spending cuts.

Dec. 14 – Speaker Boehner then offered to lets rates got up on those making over $1 million, raising $1 trillion in revenue and asks for an equal amount in entitlement savings.

Dec. 15 – With continued silence from the White House, Speaker Boehner offered a 1 year extension of the debt ceiling.

Dec. 17 – Despite significant concessions from House Republicans, White House’s next offer offers another unbalanced approach, nudging slightly to raising taxes on anyone making above $400,000 but raising taxes significantly more than cutting spending.

Dec. 20 – House takes up plan to avert the fiscal cliff by preventing tax increases on anyone making less than $1 million and replacing arbitrary cuts of defense sequester with common-sense spending cuts and budget reforms.

Posted by Legislative Staff on December 20, 2012
In case you missed it, Jack spoke on the House floor this afternoon legislative action to avert the fiscal cliff:

Jack believes we are better served when debates such as these are decentralized and in the open allowing all 535 Members of Congress to work together on behalf of representative government instead of relying solely on centralized, closed-door negotiations.
Posted by Press Staff on December 20, 2012
In case you missed it, Jack appeared on CNBC's Squawk on the Street this morning to discuss the fiscal cliff and the House's vote to prevent a tax increase on 99.81% of Americans while maintaining the sequester's spending cuts:

Posted by Press Staff on December 19, 2012
In case you missed it, Jack appeared on MSNBC's The Ed Show last night to talk about gun control:

Jack believes we must look at all the factors that lead to this heinous crime before jumping to legislation that would do little to prevent such a crime.
Posted by Press Staff on December 18, 2012
In case you missed it, Jack appeared on MSNBC Live with Thomas Roberts this morning to discuss the gun control debate in light of the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.

While Jack supports fully reviewing our laws to see what can be done to prevent future tragedies such as these, focusing solely on gun laws misses the point.  Adam Lanza violated several laws in the commission of this heinous crime.  What does adding another one do to ensure this does not happen again?  We have to be able to answer that question before we move forward and we have to be sure we are reviewing this from a comprehensive standpoint that takes into consideration everything that played a factor in this crime.
Posted by Elizabeth K. on December 10, 2012

Speaker of the House John Boehner lit the 48th annual Capitol Christmas Tree on the West Front Lawn of the Capitol Tuesday night. The 73-foot tall Englemann spruce made the three week, 5,300 mile journey from White River National Forest in Colorado. Ryan Shuster, an Eagle Scout from Colorado Springs helped Speaker Boehner flip the switch.

Decorated with nearly 10,000 low-energy LED lights and 5,000 ornaments handmade by Coloradans, this year’s Capitol Christmas Tree theme is “Celebrating Our Great Outdoors.”

Each year, the Christmas tree, dubbed “The People’s Tree” by Tip O’Neill in 1985, is “an emblem of peace for the nation and the world.” The U.S. Air Force Band entertained the audience with “O Christmas Tree” and other Christmas classics.

As Speaker Boehner said, “Christmas is not some distant historical event. It is a spirit always bringing us closer to each other and closer to the peace of which the angels sang.”

From all of us at Congressman Kingston’s office, we wish you a happy and safe holiday season filled with family and friends.