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Rep. Bill Huizenga

Rep. Bill Huizenga
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  1. We need to flip these numbers! How do we do it? By implementing comprehensive pro-growth tax reform and cutting through the miles of regulatory red tape. Overhauling the regulatory structure using a cost benefit analysis will allow small b...usinesses the flexibility necessary to invest their capital back into the organization and hire more employees instead of spending their hard earned dollars on complying with overburdensome rules and regulations.See More
    Why does our economic recovery continue to sputter? Small Businesses account for 65% of jobs created since 1993.
    Photo: Why does our economic recovery continue to sputter? Small Businesses account for 65% of jobs created since 1993.
  2. Recent Posts by Others on Rep. Bill HuizengaSee All
    • Michael G. Petrella
      How did you vote on Sany relief?
      about an hour ago
    • Roush Fourtwentysevenr
      Hi Bill the writing is on the wall....... Obama is doing his best to corrupt the 2nd Amendment. I and many others implore you to defend the 2nd Amendment of the United States. There are many people that have no issues giving up their rights to the United States Government but I and many others are not included. As prior active duty military my job was to defend the constitution of the United States against ALL enemies domestic and foreign. That oath required me to give my life if required to do so. You don't have that same commitment as my representative to give your life for us! However we would expect that you will do everything in your power to defend our constitution and convince other members to do so as well. Now is the time to defend the 2nd Amendment and make sure that every Soldier, Sailor, and Airman that HAS giving their life to defend the constitution has not died in vain. Many have chosen to accept the burden of this obligation so that the few can choose not to.
      12 · about an hour ago
    • Bonnie Durbin Griffith
       The only varsity sport where every participant can turn pro. Volunteer driven, FIRST emphasizes gracious professionalism and coopertition in the face of fierce competition. The Michigan State Championship is April 11-13. The National Championship will be April 24-27. Mr. Huizenga, over 200 Michigan teams now compete!
      3 hours ago
    • I support everything President Obama said regarding gun control. Take military type rifles off the market. Additionally I want: Clip type handguns off the market, revolvers only with permanent barrels. You must have a license to buy ammo. You must have an annually renewed insurance policy for every firearm. I want firearm buyers to have a psychological permit to buy. I want universal background checks. What do you want Bill?
      2 · 4 hours ago
    • Jacob Dykstra
      I am writing you again to inform you that i am appalled by Obama's abuse of power yet again with executive orders, i strongly urge you to write or support legislation to nullify these orders, and also to oppose any legislation including Feinstein's Plan that seeks to restrict or undermine the second amendment rights of honest, tax paying, lawful citizens. I have talked to hundreds of people about these issues and literally had one person believe these restrictions can help the current problem. Instead of attacking law abiding citizens with his anti-gun agenda, Obama should be focusing on the broken mental health systems and bolstering school security. We are all watching very closely, the FREE american people will not stand for this and will seek removal of any elected official who violates our constitutional rights. Thank you for your time.
      55 · 4 hours ago
  3. With the nation over $16 trillion in debt - we can't allow stimulus programs to continue that not only fail to produce jobs in America but actually give foreign corporations a leg up. This committee report details that $1 out of every $4 dollars of the $16 billion allocated went to foreign owned entities. We can't afford ineffective progams such as "Section 1603"
  4. Last night, Governor Snyder delivered an excellent State of the State Address. Thanks to Governor Snyder's efforts, the future looks bright for Michigan! I applaud his leadership and continued focus on economic growth.
  5. Praying for the Americans that have been taken hostage by Al Qaeda-linked terrorists in Algeria
  6. Here's a look at the tax structure soon to be enacted in the President's health care law. Notice the increase in costs for purchasing insurance through employers for both individual and family plans - I don't see how this plan addresses the rising costs of care, in fact it seems to exacerbate the situtation.
    The Health Insurance Tax, one of the taxes included in the Affordable Care Act, will result in higher insurance costs for small business owners and employees and will cost over 70,000 small business jobs.
    Photo: The Health Insurance Tax, one of the taxes included in the Affordable Care Act, will result in higher insurance costs for small business owners and employees and will cost over 70,000 small business jobs.
  7. The Last Flag From The First Female General

    Pallbearers fold the flag of Brig. Gen. Margaret A. Brewer during her burial at Arlington National Cemetery, Va., on Jan. 14, 2013. Brewer was the first female Marine officer to be promoted to brigadier general and helped integrate women into a male dominated Marine Corps. Brewer died at 82-years-old.

    Read more:
    Photo: The Last Flag From The First Female General

Pallbearers fold the flag of Brig. Gen. Margaret A. Brewer during her burial at Arlington National Cemetery, Va., on Jan. 14, 2013. Brewer was the first female Marine officer to be promoted to brigadier general and helped integrate women into a male dominated Marine Corps. Brewer died at 82-years-old. 

Read more:
  8. Today I have the honor to announce my 10 nominees for the U.S. Service Academies. They are:

    • Matthew Ziegeler - West Ottawa High School
    • Caroline Fender - West Ottawa High School
    • Evan Viau - Jenison High School
    • Benjamin Dorsey - American International School of Bucharest
    • Connor Schmid - St. John's Northwestern Military Academy
    • Christopher Mason - Oakridge High School
    • Troy St. P...eter - Fremont High School
    • Jonathan DeHaan - Calvin Christian High School
    • Aaron Cinnamon - Black River High School
    • Mitchell Meppelink - Zeeland West High School

    It is a privilege to nominate such driven and courageous young men and women in their application to the U.S. Service Academies. Whenever I hear from our distinguished service academies, I am told that cadets from West Michigan are some of the best and brightest our nation has to offer. I have no doubt that this group will continue that tradition.
    See More
  9. Let's help the Chronicle reach 7,000! "like" the The Muskegon Chronicle!!!
    We only need 25 more fans to reach 7,000!
  10. How much do regulations cost? In the last year alone the Obama Administration issued $236 billion in rules and regulations. Imagine if we replaced that enormous amount of Red Tape with sensible regulations that took into account small busin...ess and local manufacturing concerns? Clean Air, Clean Water and Jobs!!! We need regulatory reform now!
    See More
  11. Congratulations to the dedicated autoworkers in Lansing, Michigan who built the 2013 car of the year, the Cadillac ATS. Proving once again that Michigan has the best workforce in the world.
  12. Michigan Manufacturers Recognized - Cadillac ATS, Dodge Ram win car & truck of the year - both manufactured in Michigan! Let's not forget the 2nd and 3rd tier auto suppliers across the state who also deserve to be recognized for these great vehicles.
  13. It was great to meet with members of the Ludington and Scottsville Chamber of Commerece with my good friend Congressman Dan Benishek. Washington definitely needs to rein in it's spending and prioritize what programs are worthy of recieving taxpayer funding.
    Photo: It was great to meet with members of the Ludington and Scottsville Chamber of Commerece with my good friend Congressman Dan Benishek.  Washington definitely needs to rein in it's spending and prioritize what programs are worthy of recieving taxpayer funding.
  14. From my discussion with Ludington Daily News on the need to address spending cuts and the debt limit:

    Huizenga said he continues to seek spending cuts and noted that a dollar in cuts for every dollar in debt-ceiling increase was the prece...dent set 18 months ago, the last time the debt ceiling was reached and had to be raised. Some Democrats, he said, are trying to point to cuts made then as a sign cuts have been made so new ones aren’t needed, he said. He’s not buying that, saying it’s not an either-or choice.

    “I think we have a responsibility to use every tool we have to drive home curbing our spending,” Huizenga said. “It seems to me it’s reasonable to do that. I understand we are paying for past obligations. I want to make sure we aren’t adding to the problem ... We’ve got to have that conversation.”
    See More
  15. Yesterday afternoon I stopped by Enterprise Tool & Die and spoke to the employees about our trade policies and government spending.
    Photo: Yesterday afternoon I stopped by Enterprise Tool & Die and spoke to the employees about our trade policies and government spending.
  16. It was great to meet with Kentwood Rotary members yesterday and discuss the new geographical make up of the 2nd district.
    Photo: It was great to meet with Kentwood Rotary members yesterday and discuss the new geographical make up of the 2nd district.
  17. Yesterday, I met with Walker City Officials to discuss tax policy, Washington's out of control spending and the upcoming debt limit debate.
    Photo: Yesterday, I met with Walker City Officials to discuss tax policy, Washington's out of control spending and the upcoming debt limit debate.
  18. On Friday morning, Congressman Dan Benishek and I will be speaking at a Business Roundtable hosted by the Ludington and Scottville Area Chamber of Commerce. We will field questions from local small business owners and discuss how we can get Washington working for Michigan again.
  19. 4,400 of the nations finest young men and women are back in Annapolis and ready to rock 2013.
    Photo: 4,400 of the nations finest young men and women are back in Annapolis and ready to rock 2013.
  20. 5,000 new jobs in Ottawa County with 2,800 coming from manufacturing is good news! West Michigan's manufacturing base is sometimes overlooked but it is strong, innovative and growing. Let's hope in 2013 we can boost these numbers even by providing tax and regulatory certainty and create a growth oriented environment for our local small businesses and manufacturers.
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  21. This afternoon I discussed the fiscal cliff, what lies ahead for the 113th Congress and the need to get our spending under control with AP Government students at Grandville High School.
    Photo: This afternoon I discussed the fiscal cliff, what lies ahead for the 113th Congress and the need to get our spending under control with AP Government students at Grandville High School.
  22. Today I toured Detail Technologies, a tool and die manufacturer in Wyoming. During the tour we sat down to discuss the impact of financial regulations on lending to manufacturers and what can be done to help manufacturing grow in West Michigan.
    Photo: Today I toured Detail Technologies, a tool and die manufacturer in Wyoming.  During the tour we sat down to discuss the impact of financial regulations on lending to manufacturers and what can be done to help manufacturing grow in West Michigan.
  23. This morning I met with small business owners and constituents at Marge's Donut Den in Wyoming. We had a great conversation on the need to end partisan gridlock, find bipartisan solutions to cure Washington's addiction to spending and create tax and regulatory certainty for West Michigan small businesses. We also enjoyed some GREAT donuts too!
    Photo: This morning I met with small business owners and constituents at Marge's Donut Den in Wyoming. We had a great conversation on the need to end partisan gridlock, find bipartisan solutions to cure Washington's addiction to spending and create tax and regulatory certainty for West Michigan small businesses. We also enjoyed some GREAT donuts too!
  24. Last night I met with the Muskegon City Commissioners to discuss the fiscal cliff, my district office relocation, transportation, great lakes funding and Muskegon harbor potential and dredging. It was a great discussion and I look forward to sitting down with them in the future.
    Photo: Last night I met with the Muskegon City Commissioners to discuss the fiscal cliff, my district office relocation, transportation, great lakes funding and Muskegon harbor potential and dredging. It was a great discussion and I look forward to sitting down with them in the future.
  25. I will be meeting this morning with the Marquette County Road Commission to further discuss the County Road 595 project that has been blocked by the EPA. The EPA’s costly regulations have proved too high a hurdle for this project and it will cost Northern Michiganders many good paying jobs. We can’t let Washington regulators prevent families in the First District from getting the shot at a good job.
  26. TODAY IN HISTORY - 223 years ago today, the United States of America held its first election, choosing George Washington to serve as the first President.
    Photo: TODAY IN HISTORY - 223 years ago today, the United States of America held its first election, choosing George Washington to serve as the first President.
  27. Good Editorial from - Grand Rapids Press: Americans being asked to pay more in taxes should have been assured that lawmakers were doing more to curb D.C.'s spending problem. They weren't.

    I couldn't agree with the Editorial more... on this line: "Controlling our government’s spending can’t be absent from that conversation."

    And unfortunately so far we haven't seen necessary and serious spending reforms even become a part of the conversation
    See More
  28. My family and I at Swearing in. Thank you to my beautiful wife Natalie and my 5 amazing children. I have been truly blessed.
    Photo: My family and I at Swearing in. Thank you to my beautiful wife Natalie and my 5 amazing children. I have been truly blessed.
  29. It is both an honor and a privilege to serve West Michigan. While there is much to get done in terms of job creation and reducing government spending in Washington, I look forward to meeting with new constituents and traveling to the communities that are now included in the Second District!
  30. A well written read from today's The Wall Street Journal:

    So Congress has passed a bill to avoid the tax cliff, hallelujah. This is the way to look at it if you have a pre-Copernican view of politics where Washington is the center of the ...economic universe. The better way to see it is that the tax bill on the private, productive part of the economy is now coming due for President Obama's first-term spending and re-election.

    The Senate-White House compromise grudgingly passed by the House is a Beltway classic: The biggest tax increase in 20 years in return for spending increases, and all spun for political purposes as a "tax cut for the middle class." But taxes on the middle class were only going up on January 1 because the politicians had set it up that way, manufacturing a fake crisis. The politicians now portray themselves as scrambling heroically to save the day by sparing the middle class while raising taxes on small business, investors and the affluent.

    Read the full article HERE:
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  31. Last night I was on WOOD TV8 discussing efforts to rein in Washington's out of control spending and prevent taxes from going up on middle class Michiganders.
  32. Watching the President hold a campaign rally that he dubbed a press conference was extremely unhelpful to the situation. We need to focus on the real problem which is the massive amount of debt we are leaving our children and grandchildren.... Additionally, we need to be working on creating a tax structure that allows the private sector to grow much faster than it currently is.
    See More
  33. The idea of moving forward without any serious reform to our spending habits is really disturbing to me. I don't want to see taxes go up on the middle class or our neighborhood small businesses but it seems some in Washington want to conti...nue to throw more tax dollars into a broken system. In order to right the ship, we must address Washington's out of control spending.
    See More

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