imageBob Latta


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Latta Statement on Fiscal Cliff Vote
January 1, 2013  - Congressman Bob Latta (R-Bowling Green) issued the following statement regarding the House vote on H.R. 8, the American Taxpayer Relief Act: “Tonight, I supported a bill that provides tax relief for hardworking American families, making permanent tax cuts that Republicans originally crafted and enac...More

Latta Calls on President Obama to Freeze Congressional Pay
December 31, 2012  - Congressman Bob Latta (R-Bowling Green) issued the following statement today calling on President Obama to freeze the salaries of Members of Congress and White House staff: “As our nation continues to struggle through this economic downturn and hardworking families are making their own budget cuts, ...More

Spending is the Problem
December 21, 2012  - This chart, courtesy of the House Budget Committee, clearly shows that even with the president's proposed tax hike, these increased taxes alone won’t address our crippling national debt. We can no longer ignore this serious problem facing our nation – we need real spending reforms to promote job cre...More

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