Housing Expo

Each day thousands of New Jersey families face the real possibility of their homes being foreclosed upon.  For thousands more, that foreclosure has become a reality.  When a home is foreclosed it not only impacts that specific family, but has significant consequences for surrounding homes as property values decline, affecting entire neighborhoods and communities.  

Many families are unaware of how the foreclosure process works, how to avoid foreclosure, and what their options are.  They lack a complete understanding of how the foreclosure process works, and what resources are available to assist families in making informed decisions.

That is why I am hosting a housing symposium to help families gain a better understanding of their options, as well as what resources are available through private lenders and the federal government to assist them.  The expo will take place on Saturday July 21st at Ocean County College located at 1 College Drive, Toms River NJ 08754 from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.  Representatives from several federal, state, and local agencies will be in attendance, along with loan servicers, and housing counseling agencies.

If you or someone you know is facing foreclosure or needs assistance in gaining a better understanding the process, and resources that may be available to assist please attend this important symposium on July 21st. 

In attendance will be representatives from government organizations, loan servicers and housing counselors who will help educate individuals on their rights and what can be done to avoid foreclosure.

The following government agencies will be in attendance:

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
The U.S. Treasury Department
New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency
Ocean County

The following loan servicers will also be on-site to provide mortgage counseling:

Please call your servicer to make an appointment.

ALLY (GMAC Mortgage)
Wells Fargo
JP Morgan/Chase
Bank of America

If you are planning on attending this event and would like to discuss your mortgage, please contact your mortgage provider to schedule an appointment.  To ensure proper and efficient service, be sure to read these documents and bring all appropriate documents.


GMAC Financial Analysis Package – Example of what service providers will need

If you are interested in learning if your mortgage is owned by FannieMae or Freddie Mac, follow the links below.

FannieMae - http://www.fanniemae.com/loanlookup/

Freddie Mac - https://ww3.freddiemac.com/corporate/


If you wish to RSVP for this event, please follow this link: RSVP