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SFC Petry: Hero and Native Son

July 12, 2011

Video from the Medal of Honor Ceremony (update)

Today, our nation honors the bravery and sacrifice of Santa Fe native Leroy Arthur Petry by awarding him our highest military decoration - the Medal of Honor.

Army Rangers lead the way, and Sergeant First Class Petry exemplified that duty in 2008 when he risked his life to save his fellow soldiers on the battlefields of Afghanistan.

I'm humbled to join SFC Petry at the White House along with his family, friends and fellow soldiers as he becomes only the second living, active-duty service member to receive the Medal of Honor for actions in Iraq or Afghanistan.  This morning I paid tribute to his sacrifice on the Senate floor:

And SFC Petry's story is one of courage and sacrifice and immense love of country.

During a raid to capture a high-level target, SFC Petry and his fellow Rangers were engaged in a firefight with the enemy when several in their regiment were pinned down by grenades.

He was already shot through both legs when a grenade landed nearby two of his comrades. With no thought to his personal safety, SFC Petry grabbed the grenade and attempted to toss it away. The grenade exploded as he tossed it, taking his hand with it - but saving those near him. When the soldiers returned from their mission, they all said it was SFC Petry who saved their lives.

Watch this news report to see the whole story and hear his fellow soldiers give their accounts of what happened:

The Army has also setup a great website about SFC Petry, including a "battlescape" of his heroic actions.  You can see that here.

New Mexico has a long and proud tradition of military service - exemplified in the heroic actions of SFC Petry on the battlefields of Afghanistan. He is highly deserving of this honor, and New Mexico is honored to call him a native son.

Photo by the U.S. Army via Flickr.

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