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Boehner: Democrats’ “Thelma & Louise” Tax Hike Threatens Jobs, Families
Posted by Press Office on October 16, 2012

In a weekly column released in his Congressional District, Congressman John Boehner says the president’s “fiscal cliff” tax hikes pose a real threat to middle class families and small businesses – and the Democrats who are willing to drive us over the cliff in their quest to enact those tax hikes are practicing “‘Thelma and Louise’ economics.”

The House passed a bipartisan bill to avoid the “fiscal cliff” by stopping all of the president’s tax hikes, and voted to begin fixing the tax code to help grow our economy and bring jobs home from overseas. Republicans are working to “fight the debt through economic growth,” says Boehner – “and we won’t have economic growth if we raise taxes on small businesses.” Here’s an excerpt from his column:

“Driving off the fiscal cliff would have disastrous effects for our country. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) says it would send the struggling U.S. economy into recession. And credit agencies such as Moody’s indicate another downgrade of the nation’s credit status is likely if an agreement isn’t reached to steer clear.

“The stance being taken by these Democratic senators is rooted in the flawed belief that our country can spend, tax, and borrow its way out of debt.

“The problem, as the Ernst & Young report illustrates, is that raising taxes on small businesses will destroy jobs and inhibit growth. The only way we can fix the deficit and address the debt is to get the economy moving again, and keep it moving. That requires reform of both the tax code and the way the federal government spends taxpayers’ money. Instead of raising tax rates on small businesses, we need an overhaul of the tax code that supports growth by closing loopholes and lowering taxes instead of raising them.”

To paraphrase the Wall Street Journal, Thelma & Louise may be a great movie – but it’s terrible economic policy. Read Boehner’s full column here.

The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • Dana Hutchins commented on 10/23/2012
    I agree with you.The goverment an congress should tax the bigger company's instead of the smaller businesses.The bigger company's can afford increased taxes where smaller businesses will either go bankrupt or have to shut down because they can't afford more people to fill jobs. I don't understand why they keep wanting to pick on the little guys. Is our goverment so corrupt that they don't care about the middle class an lower class people. Seems to me they wanna give rich people a break and they want to break the lower class people struggling to pay bills an make ends meet. Why are they doing this to people who need help to create jobs instead of making it harder for people to hire people who need to feed their familys an don't live off the goverment with foodstamps and medical coverage. I really don't understand how they can live with themselfs oh wait of course they can they have lots of money an nice big houses and fancy cars, so why should they care about the rest of us who want nothing more but to live with out so much stress,an worry about ourselfs and our familys. Please keep standing up for us we need help and thank you so much for not forgetting about us.
  • Richard Sutter commented on 11/30/2012
    Please stay the course. The Fiscal Cliff is being used by our President to force people to make bad decisions. Remember "pass it and read it later"
  • Mary Kimball commented on 12/1/2012
    Yes and if you remember the story...both Thelma and Louise got screwed!
  • Brenda Achey commented on 12/13/2012
    Sorry but I do not agree with this!! What you considder small business is very different that what Obama considers small business. Those making 250,000 or more are small business, how ever they are a very small portion of them. Most businesses that are considered big business make much more that that and they are the only one that will be affected by the tax increase. You always try to make it sound like all small business will feel the effects of Obama tax hikes to big business and that is just not true. Please do you research.
  • Donna Gingrich commented on 12/31/2012
    Dear Congressman Boehner, Years ago my husband allowed you to speak in his classroom at Hopewell Jr. School. You were intrested in helping your your county. What happened to that man? You have lost your way! You no longer care about what is best for our country. Personl ambition has gotten in the way! I don't care if my congressman is speaker of the house. I care if he is doing his job, geftting things done, and finding a solution that helps the majority of his people at home. Compromising is what makes government ! Do something for us that will work !
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