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Contact: Vaughn Jennings 202-225-2211

Sullivan Statement on SCOTUS Obamacare Ruling

Washington, Jun 28, 2012 - Today, Congressman John Sullivan offered the following statement after the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Obamacare’s individual mandate on the grounds that it is a tax.
“I strongly disagree with the courts decision to uphold the individual mandate – I fear this ruling will forever change the relationship between the federal government and the people in this country."
“Nowhere in the U.S. constitution is Congress given the power to force Americans to purchase a good or a service or to enter into a contract.  By signing Obamacare into law, the President and Democrat leaders told the American people they don’t have a right to choose what health insurance plan best meets their needs – I strongly disagree.  Regardless of the Supreme Courts ruling, Obamacare is still a bad law and must be repealed – it is hurting our economy, spending trillions of dollars we don’t have to spend, killing American jobs and putting the federal government between doctors and their patients.  I will continue fighting to repeal the law in Congress, however I am also confident the American people will vote to repeal this law at the ballot box in November by making Barack Obama a one term President."

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