

Lamborn Reflects on America's History


Washington, Jul 4, 2008 -

As we celebrate our independence this Fourth of July, Congressman Lamborn offers the following statement:

"This Independence Day, we commemorate the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence and our Nation’s 232nd birthday. We also reflect upon our rich American history and the many sacrifices made on our behalf.  Let us offer up our heartfelt gratitude this and every day to our Founding Fathers, veterans and active-duty soldiers for their inspired leadership in securing and protecting our freedom. 

"Because the Fifth Congressional District of Colorado is home to a thriving military community, I am constantly reminded of the price our armed servicemen and women pay each day for our country.  We honor their fortitude and strength. On this day, let us remember the millions of Americans who defend our precious gift of independence.

"Our belief that the government protects our God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is eloquently affirmed by the Declaration of Independence. Our Constitution also bestows the system of limited government by securing these blessings of liberty, ensuring that “We the People” remain truly in charge, while keeping “In God We Trust” in the forefront of our thoughts and actions. To all my fellow Americans, Happy Fourth of July!" -Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)