Joe Wilson

Joe Wilson


This is the official Congressional Twitter account for Congressman Joe Wilson (SC-02).


  1. Excited to hear Time Warner Cable will expand in Lexington County and create 644 new jobs over the next year!

  2. Our nation has a spending problem, not a revenue problem. 2013 MUST be the year of spending cuts and debt reduction:

  3. Thoughts and prayers are with General Schwartzkopf's family. He was a true American hero who saved many lives in combat!

  4. Headed to the State House for Governor Haley's Announcement as to who will be our next Senator. Very historic day for South Carolina!

  5. 71 years ago today, our nation was attacked at Pearl Harbor. Please take a moment to remember the ones lost fighting for freedom that day!

  6. Thank you to the more than 500 people who participated in tonight's Teletown Hall on Facebook! I look forward to doing it again very soon.

  7. My thoughts and prayers go out to those injured in the bus bombing terrorist attack in Israel earlier this afternoon.

  8. Thank you to all of those in our Armed Forces who have fought to protect and defend our freedom! We are grateful for your service.

  9. President's failed policies are not helping Americans find work. We need REAL leadership that will lead to economic recovery!

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