Legends Unplugged

On Monday, the Library of Congress announced its recent acquisition of audio interviews from of our most celebrated music icons courtesy of retired music executive Joe Smith.

More than 230 hours of recorded interviews feature the likes of Bo Diddley, David Bowie, Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney and others discussing all manners of things, from their own personal lives to personal stories  about their music.

Currently the interviews are now accessible in the Library’s Capitol Hill Recorded Sound Reference Center. Select recordings will be available on the Library’s website in the next few months.

Until then, here are a couple of snippets for your listening enjoyment from George Harrison, Mick Jagger and Dick Clark.

Mick Jagger

George Harrison

Dick Clark


One Comment

  1. Riccardo
    August 4, 2012 at 12:06 pm

    Interesting, hopefully more will become available soon, how come the Jagger interview has one channel higher than the other?

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