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The Mothpod
Everyone can pick music they will love, but picking music that other people will love is a whole different story. And picking 12 new tracks every single week for other people is even harder. But somehow Zack Daggy, host of The Mothpod podcast, keeps cranking out news episodes with great indie music that people want to listen to. Read the interview now!
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Shrink Rap Radio
The mind is a mysterious thing, and the people who analyze and try to understand it are often times traveling info unknown territories. Dr. Dave, host of this show, says his podcast is "All the psychology you need to know and just enough to make you dangerous". Tune in now to find out why - and listen in as he interviews fascinating personalities from around the world.
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Top 10 for August
These are The Top 10 Podcasts for the month of August.
  1. Free Talk Live
  2. RED BAR RADIO .com
  3. MuggleCast
  4. Dan Carlin's Hardcore ...
  6. Best of the Left Podca...
  7. Distorted View
  8. Common Sense with Dan ...
  9. The David Angelo Show
  10. Wreckless Media Radio

5 Featured Podcasts
 DogCast Radio
 Cult of UHF ( Video ) - 20m...
 The House of Wild Deli...
 The Grey Corridor

5 Newest Podcasts
 Teen Tech Radio
 <![CDATA[Bike Shop ...
 <![CDATA[How To Los...
 <![CDATA[Vancouver ...
 DJ Val- BKNY11203's Po... Feeds
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