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NASA Office of the Chief Technologist
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NASA Centennial Challenges
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Worcester Polytechnic Institute
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Year of the Solar System
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NASA Langley Research Center
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About NASA 360

    NASA 360 is an award-winning broadcast 30-minute television show, vodcast, and related online resources that take you on a journey to see how technologies developed by and for NASA impact your life and pave the way to the future.

    Produced in collaboration with NASA Langley Research Center, NASA 360 gives you a "first look" at everything from rockets to robots, from the next generation of aircraft to the latest innovations in energy, from atmospheric research to exploring the farthest reaches of our universe. Join us as we visit some of the most brilliant scientists, engineers, and explorers of today and get a 360 degree look at "what's next."

NASA 360 Featured Episode

NASA 360: Robots, Rocks & Rovers


Explore how NASA solves problems - like how to get samples from distant worlds back here to Earth - and spurs innovation through the Centennial Challenges.

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NASA 360: Flywheel Energy Storage

NASA 360: Flywheel Energy Storage

Johnny interviews Ralph Jansen of NASA Glenn Research Center about mechanical batteries, or flywheels, as alternatives to chemical batteries.

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Illustrated HIAD reentry

Researchers at NASA are rethinking how entry, descent and landing systems should work and have come up with a new design called the Hypersonic Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator.

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NASA 360: Advanced Vehicle Concept

Next generation airliner concept

See how NASA is helping industry come up with next generation aircraft.

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On the Horizon

    The Ultimate Scavenger Hunt

    Sample Return Robot, Centennial Challenge The Sample Return Robot Centennial Challenge simulates “the ultimate scavenger hunt.” The competition won’t be easy, but teams across the country are stepping up to the challenge.
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Points Beyond