
Rehberg Joins Balanced Budget Amendment Caucus


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg today announced that he has joined the bipartisan Balanced Budget Amendment Caucus, pictured above, to fight the culture of overspending in Washington and to restore fiscal sanity to the federal government.  Rehberg, whose first action in the 112th Congress was to sponsor a balanced budget amendment, joined fellow members of the caucus on the steps of the U.S. Capitol to kick off their efforts for the 112th Congress.

“Montana’s families tighten their belts to balance their budget just like the Montana state government is required to do,” said Rehberg.  “It’s time for a fact-based conversation that makes it clear: We simply can’t afford the expensive government we have and the days of getting something for nothing are over.  For too long, the government has just thrown money at problems because that was the easy thing to do.  It’s time to stop doing what’s easy and start doing what’s right.”

The Balanced Budget Amendment Caucus was founded last year to raise awareness about the necessity and importance of amending the Constitution to require a balanced budget, and to educate other Members on this subject. Caucus membership grew this year to over 60 members.

“We have a $14.2 trillion national debt, and a current year deficit estimated to be $1.5 trillion.  Our nation is headed toward complete financial meltdown and the only solution is to hold Congress’ feet to the fire with a Constitutional Amendment and require that they, like every family and nearly every state in the country, balance their budget,” Caucus Chairman and founder Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) said. “It’s encouraging that more and more of my colleagues in Congress recognize the threat of Washington’s reckless, out-of-control spending.  I welcome their support in the ongoing effort to get our fiscal house in order. We need to make a Balanced Budget amendment a reality.”

The Balance Budget Amendment Caucus is a bipartisan group of Members of Congress dedicated to developing and championing a measure that would mandate a balanced federal budget.