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Congressman Jeff Duncan - Washington, DC

Congressman Jeff Duncan
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  • Government Official
    “I always give God the glory. I never question why things happen the way they do. I know God is in control of my life, and I also know, if nothing else, that I’m standing on the Rock.” Texas Longhorn QB Colt McCoy
  1. LikesSee All
  2. Sean Hannity lays out a great strategy and reminding Conservatives that Obama, Reid and Pelosi are the threats to our Liberty
  3. I'll be on Fox News today at 12:30 to discuss the fiscal cliff and the upcoming debt ceiling debate. Hope you'll tune in!
  4. Pic credit: Tammy Brookshire
  5. Thank you and congrats to Tammy Brookshire of Greenwood who submitted this beautiful picture of Cedar Falls Park in Fountain Inn, which has been chosen as my new cover photo!
    Photo: Thank you and congrats to Tammy Brookshire of Greenwood who submitted this beautiful picture of Cedar Falls Park in Fountain Inn, which has been chosen as my new cover photo!
  6. Two HUGE battles which I see looming for America are:
    1. A Debt Ceiling increase
    2. An all-out assault (pun intended) on our 2nd Amendment rights.

    My position will be:
    1. No Debt Ceiling increase without substantial reforms to the reasons for government spending coupled with immediate spending cuts and a cap on governments ability to spend in the future. This is, I realize, a simple beginning but... is the basis for my vote.
    2. A hammer is a useful tool. It can be used skillfully to build anything from a tree house by an amateur carpenter or a house by a professional builder.
    Or, it can be used by a deranged individual to crush the skull of his/her victim.
    Should the hammer be blamed?
    Nor should the firearm. The issues at hand are not the weapons. They don't kill people. People kill people. Let's keep our eye on the ball and not erode our Constitutional rights. I will not yield.
    See More
  7. Today I'll retake the oath of office and be sworn in as the Representative from the Third Congressional District of South Carolina. I'm so honored and humbled to have this responsibility. In all that I do, I seek to honor Him, uphold the Constitution, and to make you proud. Thank you for allowing me to serve!
  8. I voted ‘no’ on the Senate ‘compromise’ on the fiscal cliff last night. Instead of making our country more secure, this compromise places our country on even shakier fiscal ground by completely ignoring why we're $16 trillion in debt. Not only does this bill fail to address spending, but it potentially undoes the spending cuts adopted as part of the debt ceiling compromise from 2011. "Like" and share if you agree!
  9. I voted "no" on the Senate "compromise" on the fiscal cliff last night. I am glad that the President and the Democrats have finally come to the realization that the Republican principle of lower taxes is the right thing for Americans. It is unfortunate that they still prescribe to the politics which are dividing Americans further - those of class envy and redistribution.

    The American government s...pends too much. That is the bottom line.

    Without drastic spending reductions and efforts to address our growing debt burden, there is a real likelihood that we could experience European-style defaults and inflation in the future. I cannot, and will not, in good conscious, support these redistribution, Occupy Wall Street style proposals that have been put forth by the Administration and the Senate. We must include spending reductions and real reform efforts if we are going to begin securing a brighter future for our children.
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  10. The House Republican Conference is meeting now about the "compromise" passed by the Senate. There seems to be a lot of concerns among Members.
  11. I bet President Obama isn't watching the bowl...
  12. The timing of President Obama’s Executive Order to raise salaries for Members of Congress and the Vice President shows how out of touch with reality the President is when it comes to spending. Congress doesn’t need a pay raise, and if given a raise I will return it. This Executive Order highlights the President’s serious lack of judgment when it comes to spending money. Raising taxes will result i...n more government spending, not less debt for our children and grandchildren. I will not be fooled into believing that Washington intends to use tax increases to pay down the debt. With President Obama’s decision to give Congress a pay raise, every American should question his judgment in managing our nation’s finances.See More
  13. While Congress has put forward credible solutions to rein in runaway spending such as the Cut, Cap, and Balance, President Obama’s recent Executive Order to raise salaries for federal employees, Congress, and the Vice President continues to show that he just doesn’t get it. The President claims we need more tax revenue to combat the deficit, but undermines his credibility by immediately advocating for more government spending.
  14. Fiscal Cliff Update: On August 1 the House passed a bill to keep the tax cuts in place for every American. We don't need new taxes to solve our debt problem, we need to cut spending. If this debate is truly about debt like the President claims, then let's solve it by getting spending under control and making sure taxes don't go up on the American people.
  15. UPDATE: Last night President Obama signed my bill, the Countering Iran in the Western Hemisphere Act, into law. "The bill requires the State Department to draft a strategy for addressing the Iranian threat in the Western Hemisphere while en...suring the United States maintains access to the region's energy supplies. It touches on issues addressed by all three committees the lawmaker sits on: Foreign Affairs, Homeland Security and Natural Resources."See More
  16. We need Sec. Clinton to testify about what happened in Benghazi because there are still so many unanswered questions. Who gave the order to stand down? What happened the night of the attack? Why were certain assets not used to rescue Americans who were in harms way? Why are the people who "resigned" in the wake of Benghazi still employed at the State Department?
  17. I'll be on Fox and Friends tomorrow morning at 7:30 to discuss Benghazi. Hope you can tune in!
  18. Fiscal Cliff Facts: In 2001, the Bush tax cuts (that are set to expire unless Senate Democrats pass the House's bill to extend them) became law. Back then, the majority of Democrats in both the House & the Senate voted AGAINST cutting taxes for Americans. Don't be deceived, Washington Democrats aren't interested in cutting taxes for ANYONE. They're interesting in dividing Americans to build support for RAISING taxes on small businesses and job creators.
  19. So a New York newspaper listed the name and address of every registered gun owner. Who do you suspect will be the victims of crime? Those whose name is on the list as having a self-defense firearm or those whose name isn't in the list, this telling the crooks who might be defenseless?
  20. We've almost reached our goal! Help us reach 5,000 likes!
    Photo: We've almost reached our goal! Help us reach 5,000 likes!
  21. Went on Fox Business to discuss my bill, the "Countering Iran in the Western Hemisphere Act," that has passed Congress and has been sent to the President for his signature. Protecting ourselves against a growing threat at home is the responsible thing to do!
  22. My family and I are spending a Pilgrim Christmas in Plymouth, Massachusetts. This evening we are attending a candlelight service at First Parish which stands at the top of Leyden Street next to Burial Hill, the sight of Plymouth Plantation. This is where the Pilgrims built their fort and near where they would have worshipped that first Christmas in America on December 25, 1620. Merry CHRISTmas to all!
  23. From my family to yours, I hope everyone has a Merry and Blessed Christmas!
    Photo: From my family to yours, I hope everyone has a Merry and Blessed Christmas!
  24. I went on Fox News yesterday to talk about the recent Benghazi report. I'm going to continue asking questions and demanding answers.
  25. Great news: Fox News confirms that Jon Hammar will be released from the Mexican prison today. Thank you to everyone who helped raise awareness on this issue!

    I came to Washington to fight for all taxpayers - not to give into the politics of division and envy. Conservatives were elected to cut spending and shrink the size and scope of government, not to give politicians more money to spend when they haven't addressed the level of spending that necessitates government's borrowing money to pay for irresponsible spending addicti...ons. We all should be supporting solutions that solve our debt problem, and raising taxes is not a solution. We’re not 16 trillion in debt because we tax Americans too little, we're 16 trillion in debt because we spend too much money. The failure to address spending cuts in the areas that drive up our deficits does nothing to lessen the burdens being passed on to future generations.
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  27. I recently signed a letter, along with 68 of my colleagues, to Sec. Clinton and Sec. Napolitano, expressing concern over the situation with the US marine in Mexico. ‘Like’ and share if this issue concerns you too.
    Photo: I recently signed a letter, along with 68 of my colleagues, to Sec. Clinton and Sec. Napolitano, expressing concern over the situation with the US marine in Mexico. ‘Like’ and share if this issue concerns you too.
  28. Our government needs to get its act together. We don't need to spend more than we bring in. We don't need to drive God away from the public square. And we absolutely don't need to turn our backs on someone who has served our country in uniform.
  29. Yesterday, the South Carolina delegation honored my friend and Senator-designate, Tim Scott, on the House floor. You can watch the video here:
  30. My bill to combat Iranian terrorism passed the House by a vote of 386-6 and now heads to the President's desk for his signature!! I'm glad both Republicans and Democrats were able to come together to pass a bill that helps make America more secure in a pro-liberty way!
  31. One of the ways we can honor the memory of those who lost their lives during the War on Terror is to be vigilant in protecting against growing threats here at home. This is a common-sense, pro-liberty bill that assesses the problem, gets agencies to collaborate, and begins the process of developing a strategy to combat this threat.
  32. My bill to counter Iranian sponsored terrorism in the United States and surrounding areas will come up for another vote in the House, the last step before going to the President's desk for his signature. This is a common sense, pro-liberty bill that assesses the problem, gets agencies to collaborate, and starts the process of developing a strategy to combat this threat.

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