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November 12, 2012: Honoring Our Veterans

-- Randy's Roundup --

A Weekly Newsletter from Congressman Randy Neugebauer

Honoring our Veterans

This Veterans Day, I hope you will join me in expressing our thanks to the brave men and women who have fought for our country.  This day has been chosen so our nation can honor our veterans, but the fact is we should always give thanks for all they do, not just one day each year. Their sacrifices keep us safe and secure in our freedom.

Thousands of veterans choose to call West Texas home, and I’m proud to represent them in Congress and advocate for high quality veteran services.  The Big Spring VA Hospital continues to provide quality health care to veterans throughout West Texas, as it has for over 60 years.  We also have a strong active military presence at Dyess Air Force Base in Abilene, home of the 7th Bomb Wing and the 317th Airlift Group, which has served over 3,000 days of continuous deployment since 2003.

I’m humbled by the sacrifice and courage of each veteran and active duty member of the military, and I’m deeply grateful for their willingness to serve America on the field of battle. Today, and every day, may we honor and remember our veterans, those who did not make it home, and the families of all who serve.

Congressional Agenda for the Remainder of 2012

When Congress goes back into session tomorrow, there are a number of serious issues we’ll need to act on before the end of the year.  Our country is facing a combination of automatic spending cuts and tax increases that are collectively being called a “fiscal cliff,” for the effect they would have on our economy if all the changes happen.

The independent firm Ernst & Young found that raising tax rates on small businesses by letting the top two tax rates expire, as President Obama proposes, will cost our economy 700,000 jobs. And the across-the-board defense cuts will endanger our security instead of making the common-sense spending reductions that we need.

This situation is very serious. We must find a solution that does not leave small businesses and middle-class families struggling under higher taxes. I believe the way forward is through pro-growth tax reform with lower tax rates and fewer loopholes for everyone, along with responsible spending cuts and entitlement reforms.

We must also focus on passing a Farm Bill. The 2008 Farm Bill expired in September, and farmers and ranchers in West Texas need new policy in place as soon as possible.  The House Agriculture Committee passed a Farm Bill that made real reforms and reduced spending while still ensuring our farmers have a safety net to carry them through bad seasons.  We found $35 billion in savings, eliminated or consolidated 100 programs, and moved it to a more efficient, market-based system of crop support. Now it is time to pass a new Farm Bill, and I’ll continue to push for long-term legislation that gives our producers the certainty they need.

Between the tax hike, defense cuts, and Farm Bill, we face some serious challenges before this year comes to an end.  I truly hope President Obama and Senate Democrats will work with us to solve them.  My promise to you is that I will do all I can to cut our debt and grow our economy.

Action Item of the Week

On Wednesday, I will attend a reception hosted by Representative Michael McCaul (TX-10) honoring the Texas National Guard. I look forward to celebrating and thanking those who serve Texas and our country. In addition to disaster relief, the Guard’s community efforts help neighborhoods improve the quality of life for its residents. They serve with distinction, and I’m proud to know a number of Guardsmen who dedicate themselves to the safety and well-being of other Americans.