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Funding Our Troops

Funding Our Troops

Last week, by a vote of 268-155, the House of Representatives passed an emergency supplemental spending bill to continue funding for the Department of Defense ongoing war efforts.  I voted in favor of this bill because it will ensure that our military, as well as our diplomatic team, has the tools and resources they need to prosecute the Global War on Terror.

I am very pleased that both the Republican and Democratic leadership came together, put partisanship aside and passed a bill that doesn’t restrain the commanders on the ground. Additionally, this bill provides reforms for our men and women in uniform and also our veterans.

One major reform I supported was improving the GI Bill.  With expanded access to education, increased benefits and most importantly, allowing the transfer of unused benefits to either a spouse or child, we are providing the very support that will strengthen the future of our military. This legislation enhances the GI Bill for our warriors, their families and our veterans who have sacrificed so much for our nation.

While I strongly believe that emergency supplemental bills should not be used to advance other spending programs, and would have preferred a separate vote on improving the GI Bill, it cannot be disputed that this legislation is a victory for America’s battle against terrorists.

Updating Our Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Laws (FISA)

I am pleased to report that after much delay the House leadership, both Democrats and Republicans, finally reached a compromise on updating our foreign surveillance laws to meet the needs of the 21st century.

Last week, the House of Representatives showed we can work in a bipartisan manner and display our resolve. We sent a clear message to our enemies that we are united in defeating terrorism. We have updated our intelligence capabilities, and enactment of this legislation will make us a safer nation.  It will make certain that our intelligence officials will continue to have a proper legal authority to initiate foreign surveillance on foreign targets, while respecting the civil liberties of Americans.

I applaud my colleagues for their motivation to find common ground, put aside politics and make the safety of our nation our highest priority.

www.randy.house.gov - A New, More User-Friendly Website Is Here. 

I am very pleased to launch a new website that has been specifically designed to make information easier to access and provide you with an enhanced ability to see the work I am doing as your representative in Washington.

This is a dramatic improvement from my old website, and I know it will serve the constituents of the 19th District well. In addition, it will give me the opportunity to receive feedback from interactive surveys to better represent you in Washington.

I hope you find this new website a useful resource. If you believe there is more I can add to make it a more efficient tool to facilitate communication, I would love to hear from you.


As always, when events unfold in Washington, I will be sure to update you. In the meantime, do not hesitate to visit my website at www.randy.house.gov or call my office toll free district wide at (888) 763-1611 or my Washington, DC office at 202-225-4005.
