Icon for Post #65050
Another excellent Afterburner: Are we a nation ruled by laws, or has our government been...
Icon for Post #65047
Given all the gun talk lately, Mark Levin opened his show tonight clarifying the purpose of...
Icon for Post #65039
Sandy victim Scott McGrath who spoke directly to Obama right after the hurricane hammered...
Icon for Post #65035
Rand Paul was on with Hannity last night to discuss the way forward in dealing with Democrats...
Icon for Post #65031
This is a great answer by Bill Whittle that revolves around telling the truth about...
Icon for Post #65026
CBS Money Watch explains that the only people who are actually guaranteed to pay more in...
Icon for Post #65024
An interesting exchange between a reporter and Elizabeth Warren on how to define the...
Icon for Post #65020
Despite having just raised taxes on the ‘rich’, Maxine Waters says there is still...
Icon for Post #65016
Today the new figures are in and unemployment rises to 7.8%. Stuart Varney describes the...
Icon for Post #65011
Senator Tim Scott was on with Greta tonight to discuss the NAACP accusing him of not...
Icon for Post #65008
Mark Levin wonders how Paul Ryan can craft a serious budget to deal with our fiscal woes and...
Icon for Post #65004
Sounds like the ‘comprehensive solution’ that Biden’s ‘mass...
Icon for Post #64999
I love that Ted Cruz just puts himself on the record as opposing this fiscal cliff deal, even...
Icon for Post #64995
Mark Levin slammed both Chris Christie and Peter King for pushing this massive pork laden...
Icon for Post #64991
Mark Levin came back early from vacation and was on fire tonight. In short, he argued that...
Icon for Post #64987
One thing I hate about Republicans in the House and Senate is how they use the term...
Icon for Post #64983
Rush opened his show today by noting that after four years of Obama, the inside-the-beltway...
Icon for Post #64973
The 113th Congress has already gaveled in but as they vote for the new Speaker of the House,...
Icon for Post #64968
Not only does he refer to the Jewish people as the “descendants of apes and...
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