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Rep. Brooks' Statement On Selection of New Marshall Space Flight Center Director

Huntsville, AL – Today Congressman Mo Brooks (R-AL), representing Alabama’s 5th District, home of Marshall Space Flight Center, made the following comments about the selection of Patrick Scheuermann as the new Director of Marshall Space Flight Center for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration:
“I look forward to working with Patrick Scheuermann as the new Director of Marshall Space Flight Center. Scheuermann’s previous work at the John C. Stennis Space Center suggests he is well-prepared to carry on Marshall’s legacy.
Scheuermann’s reputation for excellence precedes him; Rep. Steven Palazzo (MS-04), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, tells me Stennis’ loss is Marshall’s gain.  
“I wish former director Robert Lightfoot and former acting director Gene Goldman all the best in their new positions and thank them for their work during their time at Marshall.”
Rep. Brooks is a member of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology (SST), and the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics. He is the Chairman of the SST Subcommittee on Research and Science Education.