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Contact: Cory Fritz

Boehner Touts “Strong Partnership” After Meeting With GOP Governors-Elect
Repeal of Job-Killing Health Care Law, Need for Tough Choices in Budgeting Are Focal Points of Discussion With Newly-Elected Republican Governors

Dec 1, 2010


Republican leaders and newly-elected Republican governors agreed today to work together and focus on solutions to create jobs and cut spending – including repeal of the job-killing health care law.  These are priorities Republicans outlined in the Pledge to America, a governing agenda built by listening to the people. 

House Speaker-designate John Boehner (R-West Chester) issued the following statement regarding today’s wide-ranging discussion, which was held at the U.S. Capitol:

Today we welcomed newly-elected governors – and their ideas for creating jobs and cutting spending – to Washington.  Washington doesn’t have all the answers, and the best ideas usually come from outside the Beltway. 

“Repealing the job-killing health care law, which is already wreaking havoc on cash-strapped states and their economies, was a focal point of today’s discussion.  We agreed to build on the states’ revolt against the job-killing health care law with the same kind of strong partnership that led to the successful 1996 welfare reforms. 

“Republicans may still be outnumbered in Washington, but with the American people and reform-minded governors standing with us, there’s a lot we can do together to stop runaway spending and help small businesses create jobs.”

: Attendees at today’s meeting included Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Gov. Haley Barbour (R-MS) and Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA).  Republican governors-elect in attendance included  Robert Bentley (AL), Rick Scott (FL), Terry Branstad (IA), Sam Brownback (KS), Paul LePage (ME), Rick Snyder (MI), Brian Sandoval (NV), Susana Martinez (NM), John Kasich (OH), Mary Fallin (OK), Tom Corbett (PA), Nikki Haley (SC), Dennis Daugaard (SD), Bill Haslam (TN), Matt Mead (WY) and Jack Dalrymple (ND).


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