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Stem Cell Debate

Stem Cell Debate

This week the House once again will consider the question of whether to use taxpayer dollars to fund stem cell research that results in the destruction of human embryos.  We will be debating the Senate’s version of this legislation.  Because provisions of this bill raise serious ethical questions, I will continue to oppose this legislation.

Not only are there significant ethical problems with embryonic stem cell research, there are also better alternatives that exist that are more deserving of taxpayer support.  Ethical research on adult stem cells has led to more than 70 treatments, whereas embryonic stem cell research has failed to lead to a single one.  I remain committed to supporting promising ethical research on stem cells and opposing research that does not treat human life with the dignity it deserves.

Earmarks and Transparency

This issue of “earmarks” – the “inside the beltway” term for directing taxpayer dollars to a specific project – has also resurfaced as a topic of debate.  Earmarks do not directly increase spending, but they do specify how money will be spent.  While some earmarks fund worthy projects, there are some (such as the infamous “Bridge to Nowhere”) that are wasteful uses of taxpayer money.  To keep the wasteful earmarks from becoming law, it is vital that the process is fully transparent from start to finish.  This allows members of Congress and, more importantly the American public, to know what earmarks are in a piece of legislation and remove any that are wasteful.  Unfortunately, the new House leadership has so far failed to support a system that is transparent and allows for adequate public knowledge of the earmarks included in spending bills as they are debated.  Instead, they want to add the earmarks after the bills are voted on.  I will work to make sure transparency is an essential piece of the effort to eliminate wasteful spending and promote fiscal responsibility in Congress.

Mobile Offices Scheduled for June

I have scheduled another round of mobile congressional offices for June.  In the coming weeks my staff will be making their rounds through the 19th District.  Mobile offices provide constituents with the opportunity to meet face-to-face with one of my staff members. 

The mobile office will stop next week (June 11-15) in Breckenridge, Cross Plains, Clyde, Baird, Merkel, Rotan, Graham, Olney, Archer City, Gorman, Cisco, Hale Center, Lockney, Muleshoe, Morton, Friona, Amherst, and Tahoka.  For more information on the times and locations of these events, contact my office by calling 1-888-763-1611 .
