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Rob Woodall

Rob Woodall
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  2. I was honored to take the oath to serve the Seventh District in the 113th Congress. Like many of you, I am frustrated with how the year ended, and I know that America will face a lot of tough decisions in the 113th Congress. However, I believe that our frustration will drive Congress to do better for the American people. I am hopeful that the Senate and President will join us in this quest to m...ove forward toward viable solutions for our nation’s economic woes. Will we always get absolutely everything we want? With this President and this Senate, absolutely not! But we will work hard every day to create more economic certainty and reclaim freedom one fiber at the time. Thank you for believing in me and believing that America’s best days are still ahead.See More
  3. With everything that has happened over the last 48 hours, it’s important that you and I gather a final time before the 112th Congress adjourns and the new Congress convenes. Please join me tonight at 6:40PM for a Telephone Town Hall to discuss what’s next for America and what Washington must to do to pull our nation out of its spending-driven debt crisis. Please call toll-free: (877) 229-8493 and enter the passcode: 17849. Thank you for all that you do and I hope to hear from you tonight.
  4. The Senate is set to consider a bill today that the House sent over months ago to stop tomorrow’s income tax increases on all Americans. The Constitution requires that tax legislation begin in the House, and the House passed its bill back in August. I can’t explain why the Senate waited until the last few days of 2012 to take action, but I am pleased that the Senate has finally decided to act. ...What happens now? Well, the Senate will either accept the House bill and send it to the President or it will amend the House bill and send it back to the House. If the Senate amends it as appears likely, I am ready to consider those amendments, though I am concerned about the Senate’s apparent obsession with raising taxes. Common sense dictates that you do not raise income taxes in an economic recession—yet somehow taxes are all that the President, the Senate, and news media seem to want to talk about. The real “fiscal cliff” debate lies on the spending side of the equation. We could raise the income taxes that the President is talking about by 100% and we still wouldn't balance our budget next year. Washington needs to do what all American families pressed against hard financial times do—cut spending. We’ll know by the end of the day if the Senate will ignore the problem or take a step toward reducing spending or, forbid the thought, decide to spend even more.See More
  5. A lot has happened in Washington since our last town hall meeting a week ago, so I’m hosting another Telephone Town Hall Meeting TONIGHT at 6:30PM. A lot has happened in Washington since our last telephone town hall meeting a week ago and I’d like to share those details with you. I also want to hear your new thoughts and concerns as the debate continues to change. Please call-in tonight at 6:30PM toll-free to (877) 229-8493, using passcode 17849 to join the event. I look forward to visiting with you!
  6. We weren't able to find a majority in the House for any bill dealing with the "fiscal cliff", so we won't see another vote on it until the President or the Senate send us something new. In the House, some of our members to want to go over the "cliff" to both cut spending and raise revenue in an effort balance the federal budget. Other members insist on keeping tax rates low for all American's an...d reject the President's plan to pick winners and losers. Still other members want to take a step toward the President in hopes of keeping rates low for 99.5% of Americans. I am working to organize a telephone town hall meeting for tomorrrow (Friday) evening so that we can talk through all the details and the opportunities for the future. I'll post the details here tomorrow so that everyone who is interested can participate.See More
  7. Senator Chambliss, the lead FairTax sponsor in the Senate, and I sent a letter calling on the Joint Committee on Taxation to “score” the FairTax. A Joint Committee “score” predicts the federal revenue effects of legislation, a general prer...equisite for consideration on the floor of the House or Senate. My hope is that the FairTax will play a prominent role in Congressional tax reform discussions this spring. You can read Senator Chambliss’ and my statement along with the full text of the letter by clicking on the link below.See More
  8. I can’t think of a better way to start my morning than a town hall meeting with my neighbors in the Seventh District. Thank you to everyone who called in to this morning’s telephone event. Congress has a lot of tough decisions coming up a...nd I appreciate your staying in touch with me about them. If you didn’t have a chance to call in today or if you were on the call and didn’t get your question answered, please contact me and tell me what’s on your mind. Together, we are making a difference.See More

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