New Energy & Commerce Committee Report: POTUS’ Own Jobs Council Facing “Higher Costs, More Confusion & Less Coverage” Under ObamaCare

The House Energy & Commerce Committee is out with a new report today on how President Obama’s government takeover of health care is leading to: “Higher Costs, More Confusion and Less Coverage” for America’s job creators – including members of the president’s own jobs council.  Members of the council – who were brought together last year to advise the president “on ways to create jobs, opportunity, and prosperity” – will have trouble fulfilling that mission within their own companies thanks to ObamaCare’s vast labyrinth of mandates, penalties, taxes and regulations, according to internal documents provided to the committee.  The committee’s findings confirm that ObamaCare has not only failed to live up to its promise to “bend the cost curve” and allow Americans to keep the coverage they like, it has – as economists and experts warned - made it harder for job creators to put more Americans back to work.  Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) explains:

“This analysis makes it clear that the president’s health care law impedes companies’ ability to grow by imposing burdensome mandates, taxes, and fees. To make matters worse, many of the law’s most onerous mandates have yet to be written, leaving job creators with many unanswered questions regarding how much the law will ultimately cost and how to plan for these expenses. This report echoes numerous other analyses that project the president’s health care law will actually hurt job creators by increasing costs and ultimately could lead them to drop coverage.”

Today’s report is part of an ongoing effort on the part of House Republicans to hold the administration accountable for its failed policies that are making it harder for the private-sector to create jobs.  In addition to today’s report, the Energy & Commerce Committee is conducting a separate, ongoing investigation into the backroom deals & secret negotiations that went on between the Obama administration and the health care industry as the law was developed. 

The House has voted more than 25 times to repeal, defund and dismantle ObamaCare to shield job creators from the added costs and increased uncertainty that are holding back hiring.  Republicans made a Pledge to America to repeal the law in its entirety and replace it with better solutions, and will continue working toward that end.  

Here is the full report: