ObamaCare Hits Colleges Students "With a Triple Whammy"

If you or your children are in college, or higher education is on the horizon, be sure to read the op-ed in today’s Wall Street Journal by Senators Alexander, Johanns, Hoeven, and Risch. The Senators – each a former state governor – outline how the “heavy burdens” imposed by the president’s health care law create a “triple whammy” that threatens families and college students with:

  • HIGHER TUITIONS: ObamaCare forces “an additional $118 billion in unfunded mandates onto the states through 2023.” And because it “restricts governors” from making adjustments that would lower their states’ health care costs, tuitions are increasing at public universities and colleges” because “higher education is one of the first places they can cut.”
  • MORE EXPENSIVE STUDENT LOANS: “College students are being hit again because the federal government took over the student-loan business in 2010, eliminating the competition,” and “a portion of the profits from overcharging students will be used to help pay for ObamaCare.”
  • FEWER JOBS: And “the third blow comes as college students graduate and enter a depressed job market where employers are creating fewer jobs as a result of the high costs associated with ObamaCare.” Nearly half of small businesses recently surveyed by Gallup cited potential health care costs and excessive government regulations as key reasons they’re not hiring.

The House has voted 27 times to repeal, defund, or dismantle parts of the president’s health care law, and – as Speaker Boehner said last week – “there can be no letup until it’s fully repealed.”