WASHINGTON, DC – United States Representatives Ander Crenshaw (R-FL) and Adam Smith (D-WA), Co-Chairmen of the Congressional Caucus for Effective Foreign Assistance, today (12/12) applauded the introduction of the Global Partnerships Act of 2012 (H.R. 6644) as an important step in moving the debate forward on how to make foreign assistance more effective, transparent, and accountable.

Following the introduction of the bill on Wednesday, December 12 by Howard Berman (D-CA), Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Crenshaw and Smith issued the following statement:

“As Co-Chairs of the Caucus, we applaud Congressman Berman’s efforts, with the introduction of the Global Partnerships Act of 2012, to lay out a foundation for true progress in the delivery of foreign assistance. Using the successful and proven models of innovative programs like PEPFAR and the Millennium Challenge Corporation, the Global Partnerships Act outlines a comprehensive framework to transform the donor-recipient relationship to one of equal partners working toward mutually-agreed and mutually-beneficial goals.

“More importantly, the proposal shifts reliance on foreign assistance decisions to our local partners and our own development professionals and seeks an outcome-oriented process where the focus is on what we achieve. Like the models noted above, this new framework holds both sides accountable for results. We should expect nothing less from the valuable resources the American people contribute to foreign assistance.

“In light of negotiations to avert a fiscal cliff and attempts to get spending under control, foreign assistance dollars have once again come under attack, with some arguing that the United States can no longer afford it. We must not lose sight of the fact that foreign assistance makes up only one percent of the federal budget. Simply eliminating these essential programs does not solve our fiscal problems.

“Our security and economy benefit from peace and prosperity in the rest of the world. With effective foreign assistance, the United States can advance its interests and enhance national security by promoting stability through protecting basic individual rights, providing for essential human needs, resolving conflicts peacefully, and seeing that resources are used wisely.

“Our development policies and delivery of assistance abroad are improving, but there is still much more to be done. By advancing the debate on this issue, we can move toward better coordination at home and internationally by clarifying roles and identifying effective strategies.”

BACKGROUND: Crenshaw and Smith launched the Congressional Caucus for Effective Foreign Assistance in May of 2012. Created for the purposes of examining the way the United States currently delivers foreign assistance, the Caucus will continue to explore success stories found in the efficient delivery of assistance with the goal of helping to further the overall effectiveness of foreign assistance.


(Crenshaw) Barbara Riley: 202-225-2501

(Smith) Ben Halle: 202-520-2771
