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March 12, 2012: Covered in Red Tape - Dodd-Frank by the Numbers - President Obama's Wavering Support for Israel

-- Randy's Roundup --

A Weekly Newsletter from Congressman Randy Neugebauer

March 12, 2012

Covered in Red Tape

A few days ago, I was honored to speak to the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce Policy Focus Luncheon entitled “Covered in Red Tape? The Regulatory Burden on Business and Industry.” I spoke about over-regulation by the federal government which impacts business development and job creation. Entrepreneurship and innovation are crippled by the complexity of regulation compliance, and distracts small businesses from focusing on the innovative ideas that move a business and society forward. This problem is getting worse every day.

Reining in spending is also vital to the future of our children, graduating college students, and small business owners who are pursuing the American dream. If spending is not reduced, the taxes that will be needed to pay off our debt will lower the standard of living for future generations. I will continue to vote against bills that only seek to expand government's influence into all facets of Americans' lives. We must scale back redundant government agencies, eliminate waste, and begin to reform the tax code to make it more simple and fair. I am ready for these challenges, and will continue to advocate West Texas values here in Congress.

Dodd-Frank by the Numbers

On March 7th, I went on the Willis Report on Fox Business to discuss the research my subcommittee, Oversight and Investigations on House Financial Services, has done on Dodd-Frank rules and regulations. Among other information, we've found that the first 140 rules of Dodd-Frank (out of 400) will take an estimated 22.6 million man hours per year to comply with. Watch the full interview here.

President Obama’s Wavering Support for Israel

Last week, I signed a letter with 85 of my colleagues to President Obama requesting his unequivocal support for Israel. America has resolutely stood beside the Israeli people since Israel was first recognized as a state in 1948. The letter questions President Obama’s commitment to Israel, and adamantly requests that he quit downplaying the importance of Israel’s right to defend itself. The United States must remain staunch friends with Israel to ensure that freedom, democracy and security in the Middle East ultimately prevail.