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Debt Ceiling

Debt Ceiling

On May 16, 2011, the U.S. hit our debt ceiling of $14.3 trillion.  The reckless borrowing and spending of the past led us down this dangerous road, and the new Congress is holding Washington accountable by ending the practice of government blank checks and federal bailouts.

Upon hitting the debt ceiling, it would have been irresponsible to not recognize that our debt limit issue is about yesterday’s bills and not tomorrow’s.  That is why on August 2, 2011, I voted for the Budget Control Act which reflects the principles of cut, cap and balance, and enforces discretionary spending caps to cut and restrain spending over the next 10 years, with no new taxes.  While it was not perfect, the final version of the debt ceiling legislation made progress in three very important areas: it cuts and controls spending; changes the way that Washington works; and moves America toward a balanced budget.    

Since taking office, I have supported numerous measures to cut wasteful government spending and unnecessary, burdensome regulations to help the economy grow, help businesses create jobs, and to restore confidence in the American Dream.  The debates on the debt ceiling were about more than the debt--this has been about our country and our way of life, and I remain committed to enacting policies that work to strengthen our economic certainty and ensure that we do not run up our debt again.

VIDEO: CLICK HERE to see Stivers speak on the debt ceiling issue.
VIDEO: CLICK HERE to watch Stivers answer a question on the debt during a listening session.

Debt Ceiling Legislation of Note:
H.R. 3575          H.R. 1908          H.R. 2560          H.R. 2693          H.J.Res. 98