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Stink Bugs

Whether you’re a homeowner and see the brown marmorated stink bug as a household pest, or a farmer, grower or planter who knows the economic damage stink bugs are causing for the region's crops, I believe all would agree that we have to attack the stink bug infestation  head on.  As I travel the 10th District and talk with growers and vintners, I understand the devastation these insects are having, especially on apple and grape crops.  One recent study by the U.S. Apple Association estimated that nearly $37 million has been lost by apple growers in four Mid Atlantic states - Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania - due to stink bug infestations.  My office is working with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and other researchers and scientists to find the best practices to combat the stink bug.  I held a forum in Purcellville in April 2011 featuring presentations from Dr. Tracy Leskey and Dr. Chris Bergh - two of the most respected experts on this subject. Their presentations are available below.  I hope you will check back here frequently as we continue to provide information on combating stink bugs, including the latest updates from researches and scientists across the country.

Soybean fields in 20 counties in Virginia are being found with stink bug infestations. Click here to learn more.



Press Releases

Stink Bug Forum

Here are some highlights:

Additional Information

Letters to the Administration

News Coverage

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