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Bold Talk, Bad Results: The Obama Administration’s Record on Exports
Posted by Press Office on August 11, 2010

In the President’s remarks earlier today on the Miscellaneous Tariffs Bill (which has been re-dubbed “The Manufacturing Enhancement Act” in order to pretend it’s more than a routine reauthorization of … well, miscellaneous tariff provisions) he repeated the pledge he made in his State of the Union address to double American exports in five years. 

But seven months after the President set that goal, the United States' exports are actually losing ground, Reuters reported today:

The U.S. trade deficit surged in June to the highest level since October 2008 and imports of foreign consumer goods hit an all-time high. But U.S. exports faltered, representing a setback for American manufacturers. … U.S. exports slipped 1.3 percent to $150.5 billion. Sales of American farm products, computers and telecommunications equipment all declined.

Why is the President failing to make progress in boosting American exports?  Maybe because he’s not actually doing anything to boost American exports.  If he were serious about reaching his goal, he could ask Democratic Leaders in Congress to pass the Colombian Free Trade Agreement.  Or the Panama Free Trade Agreement.  Or the South Korea Free Trade Agreement (which would boost our exports to the 10th-largest economy in the world).

As President Obama ignores these opportunities, other countries are taking advantage – at America’s expense.  According to “America Falling Behind” – an analysis by Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee Republicans – after the European Union approved a trade agreement with South Korea, U.S. meat exports to that country fell by 62 percent.  Dairy exports are down 57 percent.  And since Canada signed a trade deal with Colombia, American wheat exports to that country are down nearly 40 percent.

It’s easy to talk boldly, but to tread boldly and actually boost American exports the President will need to work with both parties to pass trade agreements that will put Americans back to work.  We’re still waiting. 

NOTE:  Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) recently sent a letter to President Obama urging Congress and the Administration to work together to act on several pending trade agreements that promise to create Ohio jobs and boost the economy without adding to our staggering deficit.  The letter, written after recent meetings with constituents who are concerned about the future of Ohio’s paper industry, is available here.

The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • Silvia Quezada commented on 8/17/2010
    Dear Congressman Boehner: Dear Congressman Boehner: Do you really want centrist Republicans, like me, to vote against Republican leadership in the fall? Stop the blame game. The deficit you note in your Bold Talk, Bad Results: The Obama Administration’s Record on Exports (Press Office, August 11, 2010) didn’t start with Obama. It started under the Bush 41 when American companies, helped by the US Trade Delegations, went to China in DROVES to PROSTITUE our long-term economic stability with a COMMUNIST nation. If your press office can’t cover fairly, then fire them. In public companies like mine, if I misrepresent information, we get sued, loose and pay out damages. Get your staff to write the story fairly, Congressman Boehner. There’s plenty of opportunity for Republicans gather credibility and win from these bad times, but steeping this low won’t do it for me or my Republican centrist friends, who can’t stand America’s trade policy with Communist-currency-manipulating China, who now is our top creditor threatening - here and there -to dump American IOUs into the market to further devalue and destabalize our currency and economy. Silvia Quezada
  • Greg Gauck commented on 9/8/2010
    Dear Congressman Boehner: Your messege is getting old. Playing armchair quarterback is easy. You my friend have not countered the President's agenda with any tangible counter recovery plan. Shame on you. I expect more from my Congressman that that.
  • Emily Ditzler commented on 9/14/2010
    I hope you win the Majority Speaker position this election. Your ideas have been proven to work. Thank you for your service to the American people.
  • Tom Woods commented on 9/20/2010
    I would like to see a "Contract with America". 1. MUST cut spending. The government is broke. People across the nation have lost jobs and have had to cut spending. The government needs to cut back. Here are some ideas--cut AMTRACK subsidies; phase out agriculture subsidies; cut subsidies to PBS and the national endowment to the arts; increase penalties for medicare fraud; change indexing on Social Security and increase age to retire; set a maximum time on unemployment and stick to it (I propose 1 yr); secure the borders and reform immigration, stop anchor babies; get rid of all subsidies to energy (green) that do not have a 3 year payback (there are people who could advise on whether 3 yrs is a good number); go through the budget, ITEM BY ITEM, and eliminate the nice to do from the necessary---LIKE a family that has a job set back, the government MUST cut back. US is broke!!!! 2. Cap and trade must not happen. We do not need to encourage jobs to be moved to China/India. 3. Card check must not happen. Same argument. 4. Obama care must be repealed and replaced with a thought out program. The Obama bill MAY actually encourage businesses to dump employees on the government. 5. PASS a tax rate bill that cannot be changed unless there is a national emergency. To change tax rates, require 75% passage. (emergency is war, not another stimulus). Why is business not hiring---what are the rules??? 6. There are some smart guys in Washington. IF a dumb baker can think of this stuff, you guys could do more. Lay out a well thought out plan---make Nancy, Harry, and Barry try and defend their view of America. 7. GET some of the successful young people to give you ideas and speak out. I have spoken with a lot smart young people---they are scared of where the tax rates are going. They do NOT want to pay for other people's houses. 8 I really believe America does not want what is being proposed by Obama.(I am not too radical. I do not question Obama's birth. I do not think he is Hitler. I do think he has a different view of America than I do and I think he is a socialist. The definition of socialism is the government controlling means of production. Gov controls GM, banks, trying to set wages, control health care, etc. It is not name calling if it is factual.) 9 Lastly, my opinion, you need to quit reading the paper or watching the news. EXCEPT for sports. YOU know what needs to be done. The press does not have a clue and is too busy admiring how brillant Obama is. Whether John Boehner smokes or not, does not affect me AT ALL. Whether John Boehner cuts government spending and waste will affect me, my son, and my grandkids. Hang in there---God Bless!!!
  • Mike Ellis commented on 9/23/2010
    The pledge was a good first step, but we need to take the spending freeze back to 1998 not 2008. Your not being bold enough. You've got to stop spending now!
  • Kathy Effinger commented on 9/24/2010
    Although the Pledge to America is a good start it's hardly what we need. Rolling back spending to 2008 are you kidding! Try 1970. I didn't see anything on terms limits either. Are we a conservative party or democrat light. I hope the Republicans don't blow this opportunity like they did in 1994.
  • James Cobern commented on 9/25/2010
    I think that your idea to expand exports through FTA's is a okay idea, but where is your evidence to that statement. According to a report fom the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta "Do Free Trade Agreements Actually Increase Members’ International Trade?" by Scott L. Baier and Jeffrey H. Bergstrand February 2005. The report concluded that there has not been any connection to prove that FTA's actually significantly increase international trade and because of that I cannot support that kind of policy. Unless there is some new report that I have not read yet that you have to prove your statement. I am not buying it till then.
  • Bruce Hartert commented on 9/26/2010
    I am frustrated with the American people. We are 2 years into this administration, and are ready to jump ship, and embrace again the people that got us into this mess in the first place. We are a very impatient people. Your Pledge to America is simply rehashed old ideas: you cannot cut the deficit and debt and balance the budget when you say that social security, medicare and defense are sacred cows. You could cut the rest of the government and you still wouldn't balance the budget. We need to start by overhauling Congress: fewer members and TERM LIMITS!!!!!!! Term limits were put on committe chairs a while back, but this has since been changed again. I am angry with both parties - you are sent to Congress to represent the people and not your political parties. We expect you to compromise and work for the good of the people, and not your political gains. At some point politicians have to start making hard choices that aren't politically advantagous: like telling the American people that in order to solve the issues facing this country we will all have to make sacrifices. I know you think the American people are stupid and gullible, but mark my words: at some time in the future if there are not dramatic changes there will be a revolution in this country aimed directly at Congress. You are seeing a start of this in the Tea Party, of which I am not a member. I wish you good luck, but stop bashing each other, and work together for the good of America.
  • Mark Doyle commented on 11/4/2010
    Sir, I wish you were my representative from Maryland. Please stay true to your self and fight for those of us that are the "makers" not the "takers". I will pray for you each and everyday to guide you and keep you strong in your fight to keep America free. Sincerely, Lieutenant Mark A.Doyle, Ret.
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