Boehner Says GOP Tax Reform Plan Will Keep Jobs in US, Bring American Jobs Home

Speaker John Boehner said today the “House has been focused on removing government barriers and getting Washington out of the way” of small business job creators. It’s why the House has passed more than 30 jobs bills (that remain stuck in the Democratic-controlled Senate) …

…and it’s why we’ll vote this month to stop the largest tax hike in history and “lay the groundwork for tax reform that closes loopholes and lowers rates for all.”

Speaker Boehner says the Republican plan to stop the president’s tax hike on small businesses and fix the tax code “will boost economic growth and create jobs by lowering taxes on companies so they can be more competitive with foreign competition.”

“This will keep more jobs here in American and actually bring jobs that have gone overseas – bring them back home,” said Boehner.

Fixing the tax code to bring jobs home has taken on a new importance now that news has surfaced of the Obama administration outsourcing ‘stimulus’  tax dollars to foreign countries.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the Obama administration shipped ‘stimulus’ dollars to “foreign companies and workers” for “solar panels built in Mexico, electric delivery trucks assembled in Great Britain.”  And the Washington Post says a government study found “60 percent of the 40 largest wind farms then financed by the stimulus relied on foreign manufacturers for their central components…”

Speaker Boehner says “the president owes every American an explanation” for why it shipped ‘stimulus’ tax dollars overseas.

Unfortunately, this wasn’t the only time Obama administration policies have benefitted foreign workers at the expense of struggling American families.

Tens of thousands of Americans lost out on a new job when the White House rejected Keystone XL and forced Canada to ship energy and jobs to countries like China. And the medical device tax in the president’s health care law is already forcing American innovators and job creators “to close factories in this country and look overseas” for better opportunities.

Watch Boehner discuss the Republican tax reform plan (and more) here and visit for more information on the Republican Plan for America’s Job Creators.