Boehner Video on Gas Prices: POTUS’ Policies “Have Only Made Things Worse”

In a new video out today, we look back at the time President Obama asked FOX News’ Ed Henry, “just from a political perspective, do you think the president of the United States going into re-election wants gas prices to go up higher?” Gas prices were $3.76 that day. Since then, the president hasn’t done a thing to stop their steady march to nearly $4.

Instead, he’s wasted time pushing various tax hikes that would – at best – do nothing to create jobs or lower gas prices, and at worst would make gas even more expensive.

Speaker John Boehner argues that high gas prices – which have doubled on President Obama’s watch – are hurting families and small businesses, “and the president’s policies have only made things worse.”

While the Obama administration has spent three years blocking energy production and lobbying against popular projects like Keystone XL, Republicans have promoted an “all of the above” strategy to create new jobs and address high gas prices.

Click here for a list of House-passed energy bills that are stuck in the Democratic-controlled Senate. And don’t forget to “Like” the American Energy Initiative on Facebook and stay up-to-date on the latest efforts by House Republicans to remove government barriers to energy production, stop policies that drive up energy costs, and help create jobs.