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Three Facts About Keystone XL & High Gas Prices
Posted by Press Office on April 18, 2012
Here are three quick facts to keep in mind today as the House votes to require approval of the Keystone XL energy project, despite President Obama’s attempts to stop it:

  • THREE YEARS: The Keystone XL pipeline was under review for more than three years. The project would create tens of thousands of new American jobs and deliver badly needed energy to refineries on the Gulf Coast, and is widely supported by the American people.

  • THREE-FOURTHS: More than 3/4 of the American people closely following the news think Keystone XL should be approved. And more than 3/4 of small business owners “say rising energy prices are threatening their companies,” according to the OC Register.

Republicans have passed several “all of the above” bills to address high gas prices that remain blocked by Senate Democrats. Learn more at speaker.gov/energy and by “liking” the American Energy Initiative.

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