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Congresswoman Ellmers has voted for two amendments that would protect traditional marriage and has signed on to three other bills that seek to defend marriage and the Defense of Marriage Act. These bills are listed below:

Marriage Bills Co-sponsored by Congresswoman Ellmers

H.CON.RES.25 – Expressing the sense of Congress regarding Obama’s discontinuing the defense of DOMA

H.R. 3828 – Military Religious Freedom Protection Act

H.Res.143 – Directing Speaker to take any and all actions necessary to defend DOMA

Defense of Marriage Act Amendments Voted for by Congresswoman Ellmers

H.AMDT.573 – Huelskamp Amendment to H.R. 2219 (prohibits using funds to allow chaplains to perform same-sex marriages)

H.AMDT.546 – Foxx Amendment to H.R. 2219 (prohibits funds to be used in contravention)