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Press Releases Against Government Health Care Takeover

The following are press releases by Congressman Hall against the Government Health Care Takeover.

March 25, 2010: Hall Supports State of Texas In Challenge To President's Health Care Reform

March 23, 2010: Hall Supports Repeal of President's Health Care Reform As President Signs Bill Today

March 22, 2010: Hall Opposes Health Care Reform As House Passes Legislation By Narrow Margin

March 17, 2010: Hall Statement on Status of Health Care Vote

January 12, 2010: Congressman Hall Urges Democrats To Drop Plans for Government Takeover of Health Care

January 6, 2010: Congressman Hall Urges Televised Coverage of Health Care Negotiations

November 7, 2009: Hall Votes Against Government Takeover Of Health Care

November 5, 2009: House Nears Vote On Health Care Reform; Hall Supports Alternative Republican Plan

October 14, 2009: Hall Voices Support For Common-Sense Health Care Reform

September 10, 2009: Congressman Hall Responds To President's Address On Healthcare Reform

September 8, 2009: Healthcare Debate In Congress

June 16, 2009: Statement by Congressman Hall Opposing Out-Of-Control Spending, Cap-And-Trade Energy Policy, Government-Run Health Care Reform 

Congressman Hall joined thousands of Tea Party supporters on Capitol Hill on September 12, 2009, urging Democrats in Congress to stop wastefull spending, government health care takeover, cap and tax, and to start listening to the American People.