Communications and Technology

Chairman:  Greg Walden (OR-02)
Interstate and foreign telecommunications including, but not limited to, all telecommunication and information transmission by broadcast, radio, wire, microwave, satellite, or other mode; technology generally; emergency communications; cybersecurity, privacy, and data security; the Federal Communications Commission and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration; and all aspects of the above-referenced jurisdiction related to the Department of Homeland Security.



Greg Walden (OR), Chair
Lee Terry (NE), Vice Chair
Cliff Stearns (FL)
John Shimkus (IL)
Mary Bono Mack (CA)
Mike Rogers (MI)
Brian Bilbray (CA)
Charlie Bass (NH)
Marsha Blackburn (TN)
Phil Gingrey (GA)
Steve Scalise (LA)
Bob Latta (OH)
Brett Guthrie (KY)
Adam Kinzinger (IL)
Joe Barton (TX)
Fred Upton (MI)


Anna G. Eshoo (CA), Ranking Member
Edward J. Markey (MA)
Michael F. Doyle (PA)
Doris O. Matsui (CA)
John Barrow (GA)
Donna Christensen (VI)
Edolphus Towns (NY)
Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ)
Bobby L. Rush (IL)
Diana DeGette (CO)
John D. Dingell (MI)
Henry A. Waxman (CA)

December 13, 2012 | Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – House Energy and Commerce leaders today commended Ambassador Terry Kramer, Ambassador Philip Verveer and the rest of the U.S. Delegation’s decision not to sign an international telecommunications treaty that would expand the role for the UN on Internet issues. Reps.

December 12, 2012 | Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – The Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Communications and Technology, chaired by Rep.

December 12, 2012 | Hearing

This hearing continues the subcommittees oversight over implementation of spectrum auctions, which will help meet soaring demand for wireless broadband services and fund a nationwide public safety network.

December 10, 2012 | Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Communications and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR) today issued the following statement on the Federal Communications Commission’s newly created “Technology Transitions Policy Task Force”:

December 5, 2012 | Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Communications and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR) today previewed some of the subcommittee’s 2013-2014 agenda during a keynote speech delivered at a forum hosted by the Villanova School of Business in Washington, D.C.

