
Boustany Stands Up for South Louisiana's Agriculture Producers


(Washington, DC)  – Congressman Charles W. Boustany, Jr., M.D. (R-South Louisiana), released the following statement today after sending a letter to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor requesting an in-person meeting to voice concern over the upcoming expiration date of the current Farm Bill: 

“Standing as the only voice for agricultural producers in South Louisiana on this issue, I signed a letter addressed to Majority Leader Cantor citing my concern over the lack of a Farm Bill. With the current law set to expire at the end of this month, a Farm Bill vote must be brought to the House floor immediately. The concerns of the agricultural community in South Louisiana must be heard. I’m proud to be the community’s lone voice in the House and to bring attention to their cause.” 


Earlier this week, Congressman Boustany was awarded the American Farm Bureau Federation’s “Friend of Farm Bureau” congressional award. Congressman Boustany was honored for his support of Farm Bureau issues based on his stellar voting record.