Accountability Clips

Charts: Visualizing Our Taxes

Washington, Apr 17, 2012 - According to the non-partisan Tax Foundation, Americans will work 107 days on average this year just to pay for federal, state, and local taxes. By their calculations, a larger share of Americans’ income will go to taxes than food, clothing & housing combined! And at more than 3.8 million words, the U.S. tax code is so ridiculously confusing and complicated that it contains over 4 times more words than the complete works of William Shakespeare.

Isn't it time for something that's simpler, flatter, and fairer?

(Click here for high resolution image)
Republican Study Committee, taxes, tax words, words in taxes, tax code, u.s. tax code, simple tax, flat tax, fair tax, RSC taxes, republican tax, republican tax code, conservative taxes, conservative tax code
(Click here for high resolution image)
Republican Study Committee, taxes, tax words, words in taxes, tax code, u.s. tax code, simple tax, flat tax, fair tax, RSC taxes, republican tax, republican tax code, conservative taxes, conservative tax code 


Congressman Jim Jordan is Chairman of the Republican Study Committee (RSC).

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