Accountability Clips

Infographic: Young Hit Hard by the Obama Economy

Washington, Apr 30, 2012 - From high school to grad school, students across the country are preparing to get their diplomas and move into the next phase of their lives. This is always a time of hope and excitement, but there is no denying the obstacles young people face in today’s economy. Many will have to move home to save money. Many will struggle to find work. And those who can strike out on their own often won’t earn what they would have 5 years ago.

(Click here for high resolution image)
Republican Study Committee, jobs, young, unemployment chart, unemployment, infographic, infographics, job infographic, employment infographic, employment chart, obama, economy, youth, graduates, college jobs

You cannot impose ObamaCare, borrow $1 trillion every year, restrict energy production, constantly threaten higher taxes, and still expect entrepreneurs and small businesses to take the same risks and hire the same numbers that they otherwise would. We need a new approach that gets the government out of the way and gives Americans – young and old – the freedom to chase their dreams.

The Associated Press, TIME, Economic Policy Institute, Pew Research Center


Congressman Jim Jordan is Chairman of the Republican Study Committee (RSC).

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