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Health Care

Congresswoman Ellmers understands that, even in Washington, it doesn’t take a doctor to figure out that our health care system is broken and that it fails to meet the needs of many Americans. As a nurse for over 21 years, she knows first-hand that there are many important issues that must be addressed to preserve and grow our nation's first-rate health care industry - one that continues to lead the world in innovation and services. Because of this, she is committed to advancing common-sense solutions focused on lowering costs, expanding access and protecting the doctor-patient relationship.

Congresswoman Ellmers believes that free market solutions that ensure greater choice for consumers and also preserve the fundamental patient-doctor relationship must be enacted.  Congress can and should focus on reducing the costs and inefficiencies that plague our health care system and put quality care out of reach for so many.  She believes that we can expand access to quality coverage and improve health care for patients by expanding access to plans across state lines, incentivizing patients to utilize preventative care measures, and by enacting medical liability reform to help keep health care costs from skyrocketing for everyone.

Congresswoman Ellmers knows that reform must eliminate waste and reduce inefficiencies and costs by giving individuals more control over their own health care benefits and decisions.  That is why she is working towards solutions that give us a health care system that is defined by terms like prevention, access, quality, and patients – not by bureaucrats and government intervention.