
Boustany Demands Poor Children Be First Under S-CHIP

Washington, D.C.– U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr., M.D. (R-Lafayette), today demanded Democratic leaders ensure poor children receive healthcare insurance coverage ahead of the middle class, childless adults and illegal immigrants.
Boustany, speaking on the House Floor, said, “The Democrats’ bill falls short, yet again.  It fails to give real priority to poor children.  [They] shouldn’t be playing games with this bill and children’s medical care.
Approximately 107,000 children in Louisiana are covered by S-CHIP. The coverage is administered by the state, and the current family-income cap is between 200-300% above the federal poverty level. However, 68,250 children in Louisiana qualify for S-CHIP but still lack healthcare insurance coverage because they are not enrolled. Nationally, more than 500,000 children qualify for assistance but have not been enrolled.
Boustany is a physician and serving in his second term. He represents the Seventh District of Louisiana.