
Boustany Demands House Democratic Leadership Resume Debate on S-CHIP

Washington, D.C.– U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr., M.D. (R-Lafayette), today demanded House Democratic Leadership resume debate on S-CHIP reauthorization for the poor children for whom it was intended after the House sustained the President’s veto.

 “S-CHIP is intended to help poor children in America, and I’m determined to make sure they receive it before the program is over-extended,” Boustany said.  “Stalling a vote and refusing to debate S-CHIP in Washington is irresponsible politics at its worst.  It has been more than a week since the President’s veto, and members on both sides of the aisle agree that a compromise exists.”

Boustany’s comments followed a vote in the House to sustain a Presidential veto on the Democratic S-CHIP Reauthorization. Congressman Boustany is an original co-sponsor of The Kids First Act, H.R. 3864, a reauthorization alternative focused on enrolling children already eligible under current rules.
Approximately 107,000 children in Louisiana are covered by S-CHIP. The coverage is administered by the state, and the current family-income cap is between 200-300% above the federal poverty level. However, 68,250 children in Louisiana qualify for S-CHIP but still lack healthcare insurance coverage because they are not enrolled. Nationally, more than 500,000 children qualify for assistance but have not been enrolled.
Boustany continued, “Any long-term extension must include an effective plan focused on enrolling children who currently qualify but who for whatever reason are not signed-up, anything less is irresponsible.
Boustany is a physician and serving in his second term. He represents the Seventh District of Louisiana.