
Boustany Announces Passage of Groundbreaking Farm Bill

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr. (R-Lafayette) announced today that after months of extensive debate, the House Agriculture Committee approved a new Farm Bill (H.R. 2419) that makes historic investments in conservation, nutrition and renewable energy while maintaining a strong safety net for America’s farmers and ranchers.  As the only member of the Louisiana delegation on the Committee, Congressman Boustany worked to ensure the needs of the state’s agriculture industry, particularly those of rice and sugar farmers in Southwest Louisiana, are fulfilled in the Farm Bill.

“I am pleased to have worked with the House Agriculture Committee in a bipartisan fashion to write a new farm bill that achieves the necessary reforms to stay within a reasonable budget and provides the support needed to maintain a strong farm economy” said Boustany.

The Committee maintained the work done by Congressman Boustany during the subcommittee mark-up, including the modernization in the loan rates for long-grain rice, as well as for medium and short-grain rice.  A second measure authored by Boustany to update the counter-cyclical payment by moving away from an “all rice” calculation was also included in the bill.  

H.R. 2419 maintains a no-cost sugar program, while rebalancing the loan rate to better reflect the current market conditions.  The legislation also includes a new ethanol provision that can be utilized by the Secretary of Agriculture to operate the sugar program.  These provisions are critical to maintaining an abundant, safe and secure food supply.

“Many compromises were reached in order to unanimously pass a bill that works for the entire country,” Boustany said.  “I will be working hard to ensure the key provisions of the Farm Bill are protected as we move through the legislative process,” added Boustany.

Other highlights of the 2007 Farm Bill (H.R. 2419) include:
•    Providing farmers participating in commodity programs with a choice between traditional price protection and new market-oriented revenue coverage payments

•    Extending significant new investments in popular conservation programs, including the Conservation Reserve Program, Wetlands Reserve Program, Environmental Quality Incentive Program, Farm and Ranchland Protection Program, and many others

•    Including investments in rural communities nationwide through economic development programs and access to broadband telecommunication services

•    Protecting and sustaining our nation’s forest resources

Additionally, the bill contains new investments in renewable energy research and includes language that will allow our farmers and ranchers to take a lead in the renewable and biofuels markets.  

“I look forward to working with my colleagues to build support for this critical piece of legislation as it moves to the House floor next week, while protecting the interest of Louisiana’s farmers & ranchers” Boustany said.

The House of Representatives is expected to vote on the Farm Bill before the end of July.
