Press Releases

House Passes Fiscal Year 2013 Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill
Legislation continues spending cuts for House operations and offices

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Washington, Jun 8, 2012 -

The House today approved the fiscal year 2013 Legislative Branch Appropriations bill on a vote of 307-102. The bill provides annual funding for the offices of Members of the House of Representatives, the support agencies of Congress, services for visitors, and Capitol operations and maintenance. 

The total included for the House and joint operations – excluding Senate-only items – is $3.3 billion, $34 million below last year’s level and $190 million below the requested level. This continues the spending cuts from previous years, resulting in a 10.5% reduction in funding for the House of Representatives since Republicans gained control of the House in January 2011.

“The bill reduces spending while maintaining the sanctity, efficacy, and safety of the People’s House. It sustains Legislative Branch operations, allowing us to keep the doors of the Capitol open, the offices of our Members functioning, and our staff and visitors safe, all while saving precious tax dollars,” House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers said.

Congressman Ander Crenshaw, Legislative Branch Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman, said, “Americans are sending hard-earned dollars to Washington and deserve to know they are being cost-effectively spent. This bill takes that philosophy to heart and makes tough, but workable choices that will allow our agencies to move forward in an efficient manner.”

For a list of the amendments adopted by the House, please visit:

The text of the bill, please visit:

For the bill report, please visit:

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