Weekly Column

Dec 6, 2012

Gosar: Going over 'fiscal cliff' is the right medicine

If you are both concerned and confused about the "fiscal cliff" and looming tax increases on hardworking families, I don't blame you. Let me clarify a few things. President Barack Obama and Senate Democrats believe that hard work and success should be punished by additional taxes.

Nov 19, 2012

Op-Ed: Getting to the bottom of what happened in Benghazi (October 14, 2012)

Issues: Defense and National Security, Role of Government, Transparency, and Civility
Nov 19, 2012

Op-Ed: Public Needs Truth in Operation Fast and Furious (February 6, 2012)

Issues: Role of Government, Transparency, and Civility
Jul 13, 2012

Weekly Column from Congressman Paul Gosar- "The Constitution's Keepers"

Issues: Role of Government, Transparency, and Civility

I believe firmly that the U.S. Constitution is the greatest governing document in history. Yet it has always been known, that if it were just words on a page, it would amount to little. At the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, one of our greatest founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin, was asked what kind of Government the Constitution gave us, “a Republic or a Monarchy?” “A Republic,” Franklin replied, “If you can keep it.”

Jul 3, 2012

An Independence Day Message: The Future is Bright for America

Issues: Role of Government, Transparency, and Civility
Jun 22, 2012

Weekly Column from Congressman Paul Gosar-“Businesses Create Jobs, Not the Government”

In April of this year, I kicked off a district wide “Jobs and Energy” tour. I visited local small businesses and talked to people about how the economy was affecting their daily lives, and what I have been doing in Washington to help.

Jun 11, 2012

Weekly Column from Congressman Gosar “Obama Administration Killing Jobs and Raising Energy & Water Costs”

When the federal government oversteps its constitutional boundaries and bureaucratic agencies impose arbitrary regulations, people in Arizona and across the country pay the price through lost job opportunities and higher energy and water prices.
