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Lois Capps

Lois Capps
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  1. Today marks the two year anniversary of the tragic shooting in Tucson, Arizona where 6 people died and 13 were wounded in the attack—including my friend, Congresswoman Gabby Giffords. On this anniversary—and in the wake of the horrific shoo...ting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown—Gabby and her husband Capt. Mark Kelly are launching Americans for Responsible Solutions, a group dedicated to engaging our nation in a broad conversation about gun violence prevention and the common sense reforms needed to prevent further gun violence. You can find out more here:
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  2. Recent Posts by Others on Lois CappsSee All
    • I'm so disgusted with Congress. All of them, including you Ms. Capps, don't have the guts to do the right thing for this country. I'm talking about this government's spending crisis. You people borrow money and print money to no end and then give it away to countries that don't deserve it. Then the UN stated that the U.S. is still responsible for about 1/5 of its budget. This is so stupid. To start with, ALL funding, government supplies and equipment going to or planned to go to other countries must stop immediately! You must to get your house in order! There is a lot more you all could do beyond that, but will you? I am one citizen who is fed up with you and Congress. Are you listening to me?
      18 hours ago
    • Debra Rivera
       Really very sad that so many Democrat voters are finding out that indeed the "middle class" received a 2% increase in their taxes on January 1, 2013. The ease at which Obama, Lois Capps, and all democrats have lied about taxes not going up on the "middle class" is very troubling. I pray that this will be a wake-up call to all those who believed the deception. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/jan/6/obama-supporters-shocked-angry-new-tax-increases/?page=all#pagebreak
      Sunday at 6:37pm
    • Louise Bovee Hamm
      Hello, Just learned about Preemptive Legislation for local seeds and plants. What is your stand on this? I don't want big gov't and Monsanto telling us what we can and cannot plant in our community. Please make sure this type of legislation does not pass in our state. PLEASE
      Sunday at 9:10am
    • Don Chrisy Wickstrom
      Sunday at 8:37am
  3. The new 113th Congress began yesterday with a record number of women members—101 altogether, with 81 in the House of Representatives and 20 in the Senate. While it’s exciting to see so many women from so many different backgrounds elected to serve our nation, fewer than 20% of our federal representatives are women and we must do better.
    Photo: The new 113th Congress began yesterday with a record number of women members—101 altogether, with 81 in the House of Representatives and 20 in the Senate.  While it’s exciting to see so many women from so many different backgrounds elected to serve our nation, fewer than 20% of our federal representatives are women and we must do better.
  4. It’s an honor to represent the Central Coast for another term in the United States House of Representatives and I look forward to ensuring our voice is heard in the critical debates in Washington. I share the frustration of my constituents... with the excessive partisanship and unnecessary brinksmanship the American people have been subjected to over the last two years. Our country faces significant challenges that we can only address by putting aside our differences and working together. I will work hard to make the new Congress more effective and hope my Republican and Democratic colleagues join me in this effort.See More
    Photo: It’s an honor to represent the Central Coast for another term in the United States House of Representatives and I look forward to ensuring our voice is heard in the critical debates in Washington.  I share the frustration of my constituents with the excessive partisanship and unnecessary brinksmanship the American people have been subjected to over the last two years.  Our country faces significant challenges that we can only address by putting aside our differences and working together.  I will work hard to make the new Congress more effective and hope my Republican and Democratic colleagues join me in this effort.
  5. Pismo Pier
    Credit: Michelle Warren Photography — in Pismo Beach, CA.
  6. Congratulations to Cal Poly and our local flower growers for a great showing in the Rose Parade this week!
  7. I’m incredibly disappointed that the House has adjourned the 112th Congress without providing disaster assistance to our fellow citizens in New York and New Jersey as they continue to rebuild in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. Californians know first-hand the devastation of natural disasters, from earthquakes to wildfires, and how important it is to help our friends in need.
  8. I am pleased to support legislation that will keep taxes from going up on middle class families and small businesses. This bill permanently extends current rates for 98 percent of families and businesses, preserves much needed extended unemployment benefits for another year, supports education and research investments to provide opportunity for all Americans and help our economy grow, and averts ...an ill-conceived cut to doctor Medicare payments that would make it more difficult for seniors to see a doctor. And the bill makes a much-needed $600 billion down payment on our deficit by asking the wealthiest among us to pay a little more in taxes.

    But this bill falls woefully short of what Congress should have been able to achieve. It is far from a perfect solution to only the tax side of the so-called fiscal cliff situation and once again pushes some hard choices about spending off for a couple of months. And I am deeply disappointed that the intransigence of many extreme rightwing Members in Congress unnecessarily brought us once again to the brink of disaster. These tax issues should have been easily solved months ago so families and small businesses would have the peace of mind that their taxes wouldn’t be going up in 2013. I am committed to redoubling my efforts to make the new Congress more effective than this one has been in the last two years and hope my Republican and Democratic colleagues join me in this effort.
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  9. It’s incredibly disappointing that the House has adjourned without giving millions of middle class families and small businesses across this country the peace of mind that their taxes won’t be going up on January 1st. It is completely irresponsible to give up—and that is exactly the message that Republican leadership is sending with this decision. We need put aside our differences and work together to pass a balanced plan that contains both revenue increases and spending reductions while protecting middle class families. I urge the Republican leadership to come back to the negotiating table and help get this done.
  10. Today I join over 100 of my colleagues in calling for House of Representatives leadership to bring legislation to the House floor that would ban high capacity magazines like the ones used in the Newtown shooting. These high capacity magazines allow shootings to be more deadly than they otherwise might be by giving gunmen the power to fire off dozens of rounds in a matter of minutes. I have been a long-time supporter of common-sense legislation to ban these extremely destructive high-capacity magazines.
  11. My heart goes out to the families affected by the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting and the entire Newtown community. As a nation, we are heartbroken. As a mother and grandmother of eight, I can only imagine what the Newtown families are going through. Our hearts and deepest sympathy are with you and your children are in our prayers.

    In the coming days, weeks, and months, we will reflect o...n this tragedy as a nation. I am hopeful that through this soul searching, we will find the strength and courage to take concrete steps to stem gun violence. For too long we have been passive about what we can do to curb the cycle of gun violence. I pray that this horrific event will be enough to energize us once more towards keeping our children safe.

    Some of these actions are not new. For example, I have long supported legislation to ban assault weapons, close the gun show loophole, and ban the high power ammunition clips that allow a gunman to fire dozens of rounds in less than a minute. These are commonsense steps that would help minimize the chances of another mass shooting. I think we can all agree that while responsible Americans have the right to own a gun if they so choose, as a country we have the responsibility to place reasonable rules on gun ownership to reduce the risk of these types of mass shootings that have become all too frequent.

    Additionally, we must build upon steps in recent years to improve access to mental health services. While we’ve made sure that mental health services are covered by insurance companies on par with services for physical ailments, we know that there are still far too many Americans who fall through the cracks of our mental health care system. We also need to improve support services for families affected by mental illness. Caring for a family member with a mental illness can be just as trying as caring for a family member with a physical one.

    While we will never be able to guarantee that another shooting like this doesn’t happen again, we owe it to the 26 victims and their families to take every step possible to prevent another horrific tragedy like this one. If not now, when?
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