Table III Tool

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

111th Cong.  ↑  124 Stat.  ↑  Jan. 4, 2010  ↑  111–350 111–351 111–352
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
1 3863 42 5121 nt
2 3863 42 5133 nt
3(a), (b) 3864 42 5133
3(c)(1) 3864 42 5195a
3(c)(2) 3864 42 5134
3(c)(2) 3864 42 5144
3(c)(2) 3864 42 5165d
3(c)(2) 3864 42 5170c
3(c)(2) 3864 42 5172
3(c)(2) 3864 42 5195a
3(c)(2) 3864 42 5195b
3(c)(2) 3864 42 5196
3(c)(2) 3864 42 5196a
3(c)(2) 3864 42 5196b
3(c)(2) 3864 42 5196f
3(c)(2) 3864 42 5197
3(c)(2) 3864 42 5197a
3(c)(2) 3864 42 5197b
3(c)(2) 3864 42 5197c
3(c)(2) 3864 42 5197h
4 3864 42 5133